You may be wondering...
Do I have a Soul Family?
Yes!! You belong (in deepest Connection) to One of 144,000 Soul Groups on this planet now! These are the People that you immediately connect with, Love beyond description, Connect with Immediately, and are here to Manifest Miracles with!
What is a Soul Group Constellation?
A Soul Group Constellation is a Constellation of patterns of Limitations and Challenges set up in your own Soul, that match all those in your Soul Group Family- when you clear these constellations in Your Soul, you then naturally connect with members of Your Soul Family - FREE from the patterns of limitation and challenge!
What are the Benefits of Clearing my Soul Group Constellations?
This Opens YOU to the deepest connections of Bonding, Love, Expansion, Joy, Collaboration, Feeling like You BELONG, of Manifesting Miracles, Opening New Possibilities and Potentials that were previously our deepest challenges... so that when you bump up against a challenge in relationship with another member of your Soul Family, you expand to the next level together, rather than move away in feelings of defeat and loneliness so familiar to you before.