Thank you so much for your wonderful seminar in vienna and your great energy!
In the seminar when you did a group healing and when you asked us who had pain, to release us from it. I mentally called in my friend to join us and receive your transformational energie. She had an amazing experience - not even being present, just by thinking of her while you were helping us seminar participants, she was able to receive healing! Amazing!
Thank you also specially for accepting to do a session to my friend barbara (with the operation in the back), she was very impressed by you! I really knew it was so important for her to see you and get into your healing field.
So I am looking forward very much seeing you again in Vienna."
"Hi Jyoti! Thank you so much for your help! I am doing much better with my back. I also did some healing work inspirited by you and it worked very good, I want to learn more!!!!
Tell me as soon you know your dates you come to Vienna.
Love and Light, Raphael"
"Dear Jyoti,
First of all THANK YOU. I learned a lot from you, especially it "brought me to" to clear my mind about what I do and how to go on with my own work and life. I am clear now and I deeply honour your way of living your truth and your love - and I deeply honour my way of being here on this planet. You uplift us and inspire us and provide access directly to our own power."
Love, Greta
"Dear Jyoti,
After your healing in the seminar, I felt really without pressure and with much joy inside.
I enjoyed the seminar very much. I had no expectations, so I could see, what the seminar will bring to me.
In your seminar the energie in the room was quite high and I enjoyed that. Your explanations about spirit, the soul, all that was interesting for me. You used other words, other pictures. All this helps me, to get a better understanding of the spiritual world. I liked the way, how you explain things and how you show, that living is so easy. Interesting for me was also, that you can remember so many things, when you were young, that was surprising for me.
Best regards"
"Dear Jyoti, Thank you for all!
I am so grateful for what happened the last days and how I feel now and that my brother is better as well, I am thankful for my life, for my family, for all and now I understand deeply what it means "perfect timing for all".My Love & Appreciation to you! Yours, Rosemarie"
You are assisting me - now and always. I feel perfectly safe with what you do for me. I can feel the light, I close my eyes and I am right there -nothing more needed - just floating with the energy and resting in my bed. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!"
Embrace Greta
When I first met Jyoti, I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical. I am an engineer by schooling, a Manufacturing Manager by trade, fairly conservative and being born and raised in the "Show Me" state of Missouri, I needed some convincing. I really didn't have too many real ailments that I thought needed working on (or so I thought), but I still wanted a demonstration (ie, some evidence!!), so I could see for myself that Jyoti's healing powers were for real. The only issues that I knew I had were an amazing lack of ability to concentrate (a bit A.D.D.) and a good dose of anxiety which I had been taking an antidepressant (Lexapro) to "calm me", for the past few years.
I am not sure what Jyoti did, but all I can do is explain the effects. Jyoti never touched me but instead she seemed to go into some type of trance state. She shifted (for lack of a better word) into some other realm. As I lay there, fully conscious, I immediately felt an amazing calm. I felt this amazing calmness in my mind and suddenly, it was as if all of my "brain noise" simply went away. Now if you are like me, my mind races about a 100 miles per hour nonstop. (This is one of the main reasons for my total lack of concentration at times and my inability to listen to what people are saying). Within minutes, I had the most amazing feeling that I have ever had in my life and it is hard to put into words. It was as if I were in some other mental state, some other brain wave pattern, and I was able to see, clearly for the first time, how totally A.D.D. I had been for so many years. It was as if all of my crazy, jittery, lack of focus moments were there in front of me, totally clear and I was examining them from a distance. I started to laugh and then I laughed uncontrollably. I had reached an amazing blissful state that I had never experienced before. This "state" that I had reached lasted fully into the following day. It was as if all of the extra chatter in my head simply vanished and I could, for the first time in memory, simply focus on whatever I chose to focus on without interference. I had never experienced such calm and clarity in my life.
My experience with Jyoti was very much a life changing event.
Within days of our encounter, I found myself much more focused and productive at work and I found myself to be rid of most of my anxiety. I also stopped taking my Lexapro and I have been off of it now for nearly 6 months with no desire and/or need to get back on it. The calmness, focus and lack of anxiety still exist to this day.
I had asked for a demonstration of Jyoti's abilities and that is what I received, an amazing demonstration. Having studied quantum physics for years, I have always believed that abilities such as Jyoti's were possible, I had simply not experienced them first hand.
I am now a true believer.
Russ Hartz
St. Louis, Missouri

Dear dear Jyoti,
I read your email at work and, What a surprise! I really couldn’t believe it! I felt and experienced your Love pouring through your light infusion download! I was overflowing with happiness and joy, wow! My headache disappeared instantly!
As I had the biggest smile on my face my colleagues where just wondering...
Thank you so very much,what else can I say!?again and again:thank you so much
Since I have a great and wonderful life already, especially without these horrible and exhausting headaches, I m even more in joyfull expectations of what will come!
I m so excited!
With gratefulness and love to you
I love you so much! I found you on the channel youtu.be 7 months ago when I needed to heal the relationship with the money. I do not know exactly ... but I think for 3 months my body responded with light electrical shocks when I was following you. Now I'm crying for joy when watching you. The money flow has been unlocked ..... the money has started to flow. in ROMANIA Europe I know English quite a bit .... I understand what you are transmitting in a proportion of 70% and what I do not understand .... feel. Thank you .... Thank you .... Thank you I love you! GOD OF ME .... WALK GOD FROM YOU!
Hello Jyoti, Since our light infusion download I've been feeling much lighter. Ever since then I've been feeling light and as though I can create my reality as a choose. For example, I make a statement from a new place inside of me like I AM divinely guided and at the end of the day I'll look and say wow I was guided even when I didn't realize I was. Does that make sense? I KNOW this makes sense to You! There seems to be more and more synchronicity happening. I feel lighter in my heart center as though things are clearing up in that area. I noticed a felt a little blue yesterday, but I also noticed that I'm not attached to the feelings. I can feel them and observe them without identifying with them. And then they magically go.
I now trust without fear. Somehow I now can : ) after years of anxiety, fear and panic attacks - they are gone too. Another miracle in itself!
Hi Jyoti! I am so grateful that I listened to the nudge to connect to you and order your infusion!
After my initial email, I felt an immediate energy surge...like I was connected and could feel you creating my download.
Anyway, it took a bit to figure out what I was even feeling afterwords. What I began to notice was things I have grieved heavily over off and on though the past few years would surface. I noticed I would feel very emotional and teary for anywhere from 5-11 seconds.. seriously. It was a short spurt of emotion I just couldn't and didn't need to hold on to . Two specific things I perceived to be Heavy losses and shifts in the past few years I have allowed to really hold me back.
So now I am letting go in spurts and moving on so quickly from it. Of course I know it is ok to feel and express emotion, but to be bogged down from it is not very beneficial.
Anyway Thank you for helping me to express this. Thank you for the Gift you share with the world and helping others to share theirs.
Shell <3
Dear Jyoti,
I’d like to let you know that since You sent me my Light Infusion download
to heal my chronic migraines, neck and shoulder pain, Im so light and happy! Im completely pain free! Thank you again and again.
It even helped my twin sister who had chronic stomach aches! Did you know I had a twin? How can this work for her even though she did not receive her own download? Amazing!
I wish you love, happiness, fun, health and abundance, for you and your children.
I m so happy and thankful to know you.
Hello Dear Jyoti,
After our Family Light INfusion, My husband and daughter have fantastic energy now after years of illness and many fears from their genetic problems and diabetes! I am happy, my work is now complete and I can focus on my joy! Thank You so much!
My Dearest Jyoti,
The Custom Light Infusions that you did for my father and my mother and myself have changed our lives forever! Everything is lighter, brighter and full of joy and a reason to celebrate! Do you realize I was able to fully let go of my dying Father and celebrate his life, and love him instead of fearing it as death or the end? I know he is happy now and free from the pain he endured for so long. My mother has been able to move on from his death, whereas before she was suicidal about living without him. I cannot thank you enough! You are a miracle!
Dear Jyoti,
Since our custom light infusion-I feel more warmth and love softness right in my heart area. Right before your e-mail of my completed Light INfusion I was working on submitting an application to a very specialized school for scholarship where I have dreamt of attending forever! I knew you were supporting me and I have got IN! Your love and infusion is the greatest cure. Many new things are now happening that were not possible before. Next I am ready for a session with you!
Gratitude Blessings and Love to you,
Dearest Jyoti
I will always remember the Living Abundance Light Infusion you did for me with eternal gratitude.
The week of your Abundance Infusion, we were looking at leaving our home, as we had no money to pay our rent, and suddenly I was “discovered” by an agent and my work took off in the world! I felt instantly aligned with my market and all those who were ready for me came flooding in! We also began to receive interesting people to stay in our extra bedroom as a “bed and breakfast” and our life literally changed forever. We now operate a bed and breakfast out of our home (that we are now buying!) and rake in over three times what we pay in mortgage, plus we have moved to a more luxurious condo! Everything is cash positive for us now.
During my first event, I knew you were supporting me! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Hi Jyoti,
I made some surprising Business Development strides since our Living Abundance Light Infusion! Suddenly in my home-town and over the internet there was an instant spreading of the effectiveness of what I do and this could only be the result of your download. In terms of getting results, many $1000 money miracles have already manifested, with many inquiries and opportunities for going big with great promotion.
Thanks once again. Really appreciate your love and concern for me.
Warm Regards, Gary
"Dear Jyoti, my friend - please share this!
So since last Friday till Thursday morning, my eight year old daughter Jaiden had severe stomach pain. I tried different herbs, homeopathics, rubbing, eliminating foods & nothing helped. So Thursday morning I asked my healer friend Jyoti Conradi what I should do. I started to worry a bit because it had been so long, but my intuition felt it could be emotional?
So Jyoti worked on her all the way from St.Louis Missouri while we were here at our home in Hawaii and within minutes Jaiden's stomach started to feel better & is BETTER!
I told Jaiden that Jyoti helped her tummy & she asked me if she was born from fairies or Budda.
Jyoti saw that she was having a self disconnect & re-connected her w/her self (large than personality) Jyoti dissolved that ball of energy (of some kind) in her tummy! She still asks for tummy rubs (just because they feel good :))
We all know how it feels to have a sick child & now being able to make them better!
We are so blessed to have you in our lives Jyoti! You are amazing! and such a gift to us & the world! love, love, love!"
Danielle Hadjes, HI
Hi Jyoti,
I am feeling well today. I am so excited in reading your note and I also look forward to anything else you may have picked up and/or you feel about my emergence. Also what you feel about the "future" of my emergence and whether you feel additional help is required. I feel something very subtlety, and I think it is change that is deep and fundamental and that I will see and feel the physical changes come up to the surface as well. It is subtle yet strong. Thank you for this. I wonder, in your experience, what else you feel about my emergence and progress. I am sometimes quite shy, but this is my heartfelt note to you. Thank you!
Jyoti’s joy - I would love to express my heartfelt Thanks to Jyoti and her precious gift that she bestows with joy. Through her unique abilities, I have been able to become calmer and have found that a new inner strength has emerged. At the time of the session, it evoked in me, a light “protected” feeling. It was subtle yet definitely palpable. I too, have had flashes of newness much like seeing the day in a new way through new eyes. The feelings felt were very much like her beautiful, angelic words of encouragement. Her gifts, in synergy with her words, have seemed to lead me back to a better connection with my “Source”, or the “more real” aspect of my true being. This new connection seems to have evoked a new way of “being”. Her work has also gently allowed me to see more of the omnipresence of unconditional “love” in my life. Jyoti’s gifts are truly inspirational. Thanks again for your precious help and love,
Joe P – Boulder CO
Dear Jyoti,
I've suffered since childhood with extreme anxiety and panic attacks, this is crippling and it has negatively affected my personal and professional life 😞...
I was in awe after watching you on a healing video, as I promptly felt asleep and rested for 9 hours.!
It was the first good night sound sleep I've had in months 😄.
Thank you for your loving healing videos.
God bless you❤
Hi Jyoti,
For me, you are a spirit guide in the flesh, an angel I can tangibly see, hear and feel, a true pillar of support for me. I know you get what 'Love' is, and yet I know you also get the struggle. I always watch your videos, even if they are not healing ones, because the energy you transmit is important for me. It inspires me, keeps me going. You confirm and reaffirm what I know to be true, but sometimes find myself doubting. I genuinely appreciate the fact that you are on youtube doing what you do, and being who you are.
Much gratitude,
Jyoti is ALL heart. When I just think of Jyoti, my heart feels held. And her videos/work embody this, but also so much more that is way beyond what I can mentally know or conceptualize. A couple of years ago, I felt inclined to watch her videos regularly, often in fact. And as I did this, my whole being (especially the outer layers) opened up like a flower, and started to synchronize with a much bigger picture. I felt myself just being in the present moment, enjoying it, effortlessly. There was nowhere else to go. This is what life is asking from us. And this is the beautiful miracle of life that draws me again and again to Jyoti and her work, until hopefully every cell in my being can know that there isn't anything beyond LIFE, and thus nothing to fear. I am utterly grateful for her loving presence and devotion to this life. I love you.
signed Tessa
I love you so much! I found you on the channel youtu.be 7 months ago when I needed to heal the relationship with the money. I do not know exactly ... but I think for 3 months my body responded with light electrical shocks when I was following you. Now I'm crying for joy when watching you. The money flow has been unlocked ..... the money has started to flow. in ROMANIA Europe I know English quite a bit .... I understand what you are transmitting in a proportion of 70% and what I do not understand .... feel. Thank you .... Thank you .... Thank you I love you! GOD OF ME .... WALK GOD FROM YOU!
Good evening.
Thank you. It was very powerful feeling which brought an immense pain from within and cry. And left me empty from these feelings. I am sure it is transforming. Had no plans, no goals. Just a pure energy restoration.
Thank you. Have a good time with your family.
Czech, currently working in UAE
When I was in a...very dark place and feeling 'like a worthless piece of shit' (because that's how I'd been treated...childhood was great.. when i was outside away from my mother!
My partners psychologically and physically tortured me...broken bones...black and blue face! I started drinking 3-4 days in a row...well, until I was really sick...really unwell. I drank neat vodka up to a liter a day...had a huge battle with myself about buying another bottle...driving to the shop! Then got so upset with myself when from my mouth, at the counter, fell the words "and a half/or liter bottle of vodka"...Others only saw symptoms I. e. Alcoholic.
No one asked or questioned why? Except my beautiful teenagers(then) Everyone..family and mother were pretty nasty. I had no one in the end.
I knew I had to help myself...I turned to meditation...and the rest of my life fell apart!! (i know now it was my chakras starting to work!...giggle) I literally had nothing. I lived in a building site basement, had been given a laptop, and about to turn 40yrs old.
...Then I was guided to your free healing videos, you had just started to put them on YouTube! Released the trauma, pain and fear...and opened to the LOVE...because "we need you the world needs you" :@) healed and myself xx!
I moved into a homeless shelter, the start of my 'inspired life’...I lit the place up when I skipped in with a beaming smile, handfuls of flowers to press and make into bookmarks. Hugs for those that needed them, with full attention and much understanding for their situation/addiction...I had come through the other side, with your help.
I realized then, on a soul level.. my life and the abuse I'd been subject to for the most of it...was to help those that had no one but those that saw symptoms, not understanding the mental and emotional abuse they were doing to themselves…
I Started a market stall with the art work and creative skills I'd encouraged in others, in the shelter...of which 6yrs on they still do :@)
There is so so much more I can say has happened since..I could write a life experience for each/or maybe a combination of all of your free healing videos...from the beginning xx
I Love You xx
Maureen (Mo)
Jyoti!!!! I just wanted to reach out to you to let me know how much you have changed my life. I stumbled upon your videos a few years ago, when I was at my lowest point in my life. I was very suicidal for years, and it just kept getting worse and worse. I found your videos at a time where I wasn't even very familiar with the concept of energy work or all of the metaphysics that shape our universe. That first video I watched - I didn't understand it at all! But it didn't matter, because something amazing happened. I felt a shift inside of me only one minute into the video. Not only was this the start of me believing in you, but this was the start of me believing in miracles. Over the years, I have re-visited your channel in my times of need. But more recently, I've been making a daily habit out of watching your videos, even if everything is "ok". You have provided me with comfort, hope, many many blessings, and most importantly, the will to go on with my life. Just from your free videos, my life has completely transformed. I have not been able to contribute any monetary donations, as I am pretty young, but I want you to know that I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers. I have sent you all of the positivity and love energy that I could. I am also very excited to see that you just released your break free series. I hope to be able to take part in that soon. Much love <3 Adrianna
Jyoti has an innate, nonspecific yet direct and powerful ability to change you and your life forever. I have been blessed with the opportunity to witness her in action, and see firsthand how she changes what is possible for so many. She truly is a miracle. Russel
Jyoti beloved, I salute you. I want to give you some feedback from the bliss infusion you did for mother, how many years ago has it been? Three or more..Your work truly activates dormant potential in unfathomable ways: Picture this 86 year old attending classes in Psychology, Ancient History, Poetry at the Free University that completely absorb and interest her. Picture her using her iPad like crazy, making her own research in topics that interest her, absolutely glowing, enjoying the awe, love and respect of her new friends she made at school, completely supporting me with my life's struggles as never before..Please send her a grin, a knowing smile, you know who she is..Love always, Eleni
Briana Jackson 7/31/17
I feel it's right to tell my testimony. I got the exact amount I was asking for in three different ways which Was The amount times 3!!! I watched again and I got a call saying my tax check was coming yet again and it was because the right amount owed WAs not paid to me in full. crazy. I believe!
Dear Jyoti, Thank you so much! You have saved me from suicide!!! Zhi
I found Jyoti’s videos in 2012 and was impressed with Her authenticity and how remotely blocks could move. I forgot about them after I was illegally thrown out of My home by shadow people who stole everything I owned and committed and assault on My pure family members. I was freed from the material judgement s and found bliss out there focusing on My beloved family and their love for Me and My love for them. I did not have to pay anything to view Jyotis videos. I found them again recently and have a small play list that I play when I sleep. I would like to offer more, however, intention to give to someone who gives so much , is also an intention of ones self worth and what you would like to give to yourself. I am grateful for the reminder, of what really matters, love and blessings Jyoti and All. Raquel DeGloria
Hi my name is Terese I started watching your videos two three months ago and I can't tell you enough how much you inspire me and help me everyday understand the spiritual awakening I just love the way you impact me and the world I believe in my heart that I am a Healer and because of watching your videos you have inspired me to go after that dream sending so much love to you and the world have a blessed day thank you so much....love light peace
You have my infinite gratitude! I began watching your videos about 2 months ago. I have been deep within the depths of despair, looking for a light.
I have recently went through a great love loss. I was sobbing to God when I first found your video. It was so nurturing and comforting that I did feel an instant sense of peace. I watched it twice and sent it over to my Mom. She needs peace too. I watch you because I believe you. I believe you believe and that is so important. Standing in belief is so much easier when someone is supporting that behavior. All of the mean things my mind and fear were saying at the time was so much louder than the voice within me that believed any good for myself. Thank you for standing there with me. Thank you for your presence, for your voice. Thank you for being a beacon and reminding us all that the light comes from within. You are a blessing and thank you so much for reminding myself and, so many others that we are blessings too. God Bless you!
Micah Ann Cassel 11/21/17
Hi~ Thank you for sharing your gifts through your video's. I use to be very giving, loving, sharing, and powerful myself. I feel my emotions and my sinuses have helped so much since viewing my video. Thank You~
Lots of lots of love ….
Hi Jyoti,
Thank you for your videos they have helped me a lot through some experiences, and I learn something new from you! I appreciate all you do!!
I am grateful for you and everything you do to help!
Thank you!! I love you! Heidi
Hello Jyoti
I have been watching your videos almost every day (although there were a few times with months in between) since you started putting your healing videos up.
In fact I would say I was pretty much there from the start. Sometimes I have watched your videos for hours. There have been times I have felt very lost indeed, but have watched your videos, and they have given me the reassurance to feel better. I may not always agree with all of your philosophies ... however I have found your love to fill in the spaces. I know where you are coming from, and I am so grateful. You allow all of us to have our perceptions, as we melt into Unity. Your videos are some of the most important things in my life it seems, so I truly am grateful for your gift to humanity. It took me a long time to write this email, as I didn't know exactly how I wanted to word it. Love, Chris
Hi Jyoti,
I'd like to share Gratitude for your amazing work in delivering me:
Prayer power I now pray for others and results manifest!!
The Amazing new husband in my life
Celebrating women and moms!
My family
My 2 sons
And more that keeps showing up every new day.
Truly you make all the difference in my life, in our lives.
Your work is the most important thing a person can do in this life!!!!!
Jenni Power
Dear Jyoti,
I wanna share with you how I've benefited from your healing videos on Youtube & also from your listening line. All together it's been a true blessing & I'm eternally grateful.
I first encountered your channel in August 2016 when I was grieving the death of my parents who died in Dec 2013 & Jan 2014 respectively. Out of the blue your video to address grief appeared among the related videos & little did I know it was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. So, before I saw the grief video, I was crying my eyes out & my hear out. After I saw it, I felt completely calm & loved. I still use it when the grief becomes too difficult to handle. Thank you.I also had a burning desire to contact & stay in touch with a wonderful American person & it was a long shot. Really, a long shot. Initially I started using your miracle video from February 2015. Later I added your miracle video from the fall of 2016 & then the miracle video from February 2017 (the one you made available by subscription) & ultimately the 3 videos to address challenges from the end of March 2017. Oh & a video from January 2017, which is for a removal of limiting structures & a 24h miracle video from March 2017. :) It's a lot, but my biggest problem has been deeply, deeply entrenched negativity, which your videos have provided so much relief!
Bottom line: The American person in question contacted me on 30 August 2017 & 3 times in September. :) <3 Thank you.
The negative thoughts still come from time to time, but I've come a long way. I'm generally calmer & I trust the universe a lot more. Thank you.
In June 2017 I wrote you an email for the listening line: I wished to shift negative thinking a bit more & to trust myself & others more. In a few days, my sister was helping me out of bed. (I'm disabled & was born with cerebral palsy, so I need physical help). I nearly slipped. And as it looked like I was gonna definitely slip, thoughts ran through my mind repeatedly: "It's OK, trust your sister." I didn't slip. :) Thank you. And finally, the most recent miracle this month & the most important one. I never got a reply from the listening line, but never mind, you can't reply to every email, naturally. I know it was you because it can't be the coincidence. I'm helping an Australian campaign I found on Twitter to spread their message. A lady suffers from leukemia & is of mixed ancestry ( a rare combination). They've been searching for a bone marrow donor for over a year. Well, I'm (among others - complete strangers to this lady, like I am) tweeting to my friends & famous people I admire to help spread her message. I wrote to you that I wished that everything had aligned so that this lady get the help she needs. Well, before my letter to you, we had moderate success. But merely 12 hours after my letter, a very famous novelist (with almost 13 million followers) re-tweeted my tweet & the campaign has had a real boost. In the days to come the Australian & British media contacted the campaign & wrote 2 articles with another one in the making. More famous people have been spreading the message. And, most importantly, people with the same or the similar ethnic make up have been coming forward & registering. They still haven't found the donor, because it takes 6 weeks to complete the whole process, but more & more people have been seeing the message & registering too. I just know the campaign will succeed & I know you have helped. THANK YOU. <3 I'm eternally grateful for all you've helped me (& others) with & so looking forward to the day I can help you back. You deserve all the love in the world.
I love you. Liza S
PS. 11/16/19 And you will be delighted to read the lady from Australia I mention in the final paragraph is in remission <3
Dear Jyoti,
You are really great healer, strong person and beautiful soul.
Your videos, your assistance, and your right words in the right time have helped me a lot.
I am so glad that you open a new chapter in life or better said-your mission on Earth.
Sometimes, all of us have difficult times in our lives, when we don't see anything, but darkness.
But, Light is always here, with us and waiting for us, waiting for our-YES.
YES-to love to light to changes to forgiveness.
YES-to new opportunities.
YES-to move on without fear.
YES-to faith, truth, LIFE.
There is no promise for success, but when we are connected with our soul, everything is possible and everything is ok. And there is no questions any more, just inner knowing.
And, you show us -the way, Jyoti.
You teach us to believe.
We receive because of you!
So,I want to thank you ,dearest Jyoti for everything.
I am sure that you know...
Best wishes to You,Your beautiful children, and every soul you love.
Love and light,
Dearest Jyoti,
I feel so relieved, really, really, really that after your "rest" whilst getting back into your bright energy you seem to shine more than ever before!
Somehow it is funny, to have some similar experience as you, today I woke up to the knowing that I have to let go again all that drains me, that is not supportive in any way, people who only, even unconsciously, most of them, just TAKE energy in whatsoever form....and after one or two weeks feeling as being in an aquarium under water AND in the midst of dense fog, not seeing clearly, not knowing which direction to take, not knowing how, NOTHING! I can't really say, that your videos impacted me or my life as I expected, not on the MIND level. No money miracles, no health miracles, not YET? I am watching your videos and now, I understand them on a deeper level...Maybe, because now I do not just slurp them in with my mind, no, I really listen with my HEART to what you say, and every time I watch again, there seem to be underlaying non verbal messages, a deep connection to you and what we are in our essence. What I am, what I am here for. Thank you for reminding me this, and with you last one to stay in that profound trust in life, and never to loose that trust, that I am always safe and loved. I wrote you once, that I have a vision, too, to make it possible to change the mind ruled world into one where everyone does not have to EARN his support for life any more by his own, but giving to others what he/she loves to do and give from their heart and in exchange to be supported by them...as you said: give and receive. Not with the thought in mind(again, sigh!) I HAVE TO give him or her back this - as a duty to do so, you understand - But to give really FREELY without any thoughts...whenever one feels like. It is soooo time to change. To bring back the things to their true level again which we, humans, put so much material energy and necessity in, that they became so monstrous and powerful - like money - but just serve one direction lately, and just for a short time frame.
From my Heart
You gave me my trust back!
Hi Jyoti,
I've thought a bit about how you, and your videos, have helped me. I definitely can't say that my life is anywhere near as great as I can imagine it could be, in fact, life has been quite a struggle for what seems like a long time. What I can say, is that for me, you are a spirit guide in the flesh, an angel I can tangibly see, hear and feel, a true pillar of support for me. I know you get what 'Love' is, and yet I know you also get the struggle. I always watch your videos, even if they are not healing ones, because the energy you transmit is important for me. It inspires me, keeps me going. You confirm and reaffirm what I know to be true, but sometimes find myself doubting. I genuinely appreciate the fact that you are on youtube doing what you do, and being who you are.
Much gratitude,
Dear Jyoti,
I've only recently got introduced to your videos while browsing for something else less than a month back. I started watching and the more I watched, it was like a sense of peace which I felt. The changes I am seeing are still subtle, but things seem a bit more smoother now. I feel a better bonding with people around me and though money has not yet started coming to me as I would like, but small amounts have turned up unexpectedly a couple of times. People seem nicer to me, I am getting random gifts and anywhere I feel stuck, I just tell myself, I know Jyoti is there so it will be ok. I really hope as I keep seeing your videos I can start living life to my fullest potential and also be able to afford to pay you for all the wonderful blessings you shower upon all of us. Thank you for being there for all of us. I've shared your you tube channel with friends and told them about you.
I must say this, when I watch your videos I get some sensation in my head, sometimes I get emotional and sometime it is like a huge sigh when something gets released. Your videos are my daily tonic.
Thank you so much again,
with much love from India,
Your videos are like a warm blanket to me. I love being connected to you through them. Tessa
Hi jyoti my name is kristi & i saw you tonight spiritually i was scrolling on my computer while trying to watch your video of the feminine way for wealth & you popped in spiritually on my computer screen your whole body shrunk to fit the computer screen it lasted for only a moment that was just long enough to see you & recognize you then you were gone. I do see the spiritual visit of you as a positive sign from the universe that i should work deeper with you. Thank you
Dear Jyoti,
I've been following your videos on You Tube for about a month now. I've a few select ones that I know are needed for me to grow and get out of the stuck zone I've been in since 2014. I guess some change in the earth energy has impacted me and some people I know so much that our lives have changed a lot since then. Now that I've started watching your videos, I must confess I do not understand all of it, but I do feel peace and hope and a bit of excitement too. I also know when to take a break from watching the videos as I feel full. Like I know I've the energy I need for now and do not need to watch more. I cannot watch more even if I try as if there is a guidance system inside me that knows I've enough. Your latest video to remove obstacles is much needed and I hope this will get us back on track after the 2014 energy shift threw us off balance. Your videos always make me smile...
Thank you for being a pillar for us,
I just wanted to let you know that I have manifested a Money Miracle from watching your Videos. I received 16 Checks ($50.00 Each) As ("OVERPAYMENTS") that I had already made to a Hospital. THANKS A MILLION TIMES FOR HELPING ME
I just discovered you today on YouTube and what an experience! I always know when Spirit wants me to expand my horizons because a "new" face (YOU) "randomly" pops up on my YouTube feed. I have only watched a few videos but I just want to tell you I feel like I have been reconnected with a loving family member. You truly are so beautiful and heart centered and its delightful to have found your channel. I cannot give any donations at this time but once I have the funds to do so I will be donating to your channel. Thank you Jyoti for all the selfless work you are doing for the wellbeing of all. I look forward to watching more of your videos and one day having a session with you. It is inspiring and makes me one grateful gal to witness the transformation of life as we know it. Blessings and so so much love to you dear sister.
> Date: Tuesday, 31 October, 2017, 13:23
> Hi joyti, I just want to say I feel truly
> blessed that I came across your videos, I was having a
> really hard time for most of this year, I am single mother
> of three and my eldest son has mental health problems , he
> tried to commit suicide this year and he's lucky to be alive
> because his heart stopped , I had my mum on chemo ,
> everything was getting on top of me , at one point all the
> money was going on bills and no food , I felt so alone and
> unwanted that I nearly committed suicide this summer . Like
> I said I came across your beautiful videos and I would watch
> them before bed you gave me hope and I could see that you
> was a beautiful soul its like I could almost feel your love
> through watching the videos , I am so grateful to have been
> guided to your YouTube channel !!!!! I started to feel
> calm and a bit more relaxed after watching you and listening
> to your calm voice , it was like you was the only person
> there for me , you do an amazing job bringing people
> love !!!!!! ❤️❤️💯. I would love you to do a
> video on family healing , Just want you to know your an amazing lady
> with a great gift !! Sending you a big hug , love
> light and blessings love you and thank you 😊
Dear Jyoti!
Your healing videos have given so much to me and my family (much more than I consciously know, I'm sure!) Peace of mind and comfort in times when I felt like I would break (countless times this past decade of near constant fight or flight- which I declare is over now!) Over two years ago... I finally found a home for my family (for my son, Simon and me)- after years of searching and staying at friends' homes in spare rooms and offices... I had struggled in so many ways, and sought to heal deep wounds and let go of the past... It seems I had vows of all sorts that invited suffering - no more! During all of this time you were ALWAYS there for me- when I was isolated from community and connection, you provided a feeling of being seen, held and LOVED. My son has benefited for my being calmed and soothed by your healing. am practicing taking notice of my progress in life, and of the things to be grateful for...I am so Grateful to you Jyoti, for your Love- embodying the Divine Mother... For being a space to rest and know that I am loved. I know it is true that I must give to keep the flow going- the stinginess born of fear and years of struggle is shedding... I declare it so. With so much Love, Mary Jane
Just to let you know that from your free videos about abundance, my Social Security payment just tripled, and I know it's just the beginning... Thank you so much! Cindy
Note from Callie Nelson :
I was having a panic attack and watched your video and I felt better! I did share your video about your testimony with the deer to many others. I want money unlimited money to manifest quickly in my life. My job terminated me because of my religion and some were complaining and I've contacted a lawyer, my husband and I need help, we can't operate ministry with no funds. We love helping and giving to others. I want to win this lawsuit and bless you and others. I've subscribed as well. Thank you and Stay beautiful.
Dearest Jyoti!
I wanted to let you know what a difference your videos and amazing gifts have made in my Life! I have been on the "Journey" for so, so long and what You do in these amazing, loving and encoded messages has lifted me up in ways I can't explain or find words to describe! I feel like I can overcome things now with Hope, Joy and Love - and even this message doesn't describe what I mean - I see those words so often and sometimes I feel jaded with and desensitized to them. You somehow have sent a breath of Life through these Words and given them a third dimension and a sparkle and warmth that I can FEEL go INTO my body and around me. That's the best I can do as far as explaining it!
Sending you Love, Gratitude, Blessings and Abundance
From One Beloved to Another! Thank You Jyoti, so much! xoxoxo
Dear Jyoti,
Thank you for your free videos on youtube. I've watched today three. As I am writing this e-mail the tears are falling down on my cheeks. I cannot stop it. I think you have unlocked something in me.
Natalia, Poland
Hi Jyoti,
It is a pleasure for me to connect with you. I have been watching your videos for years silently, but NOW I feel the need of saying Thank You. You have helped me in ways I cannot describe. You have given me so many miracles, and awakened my life purpose that I am doing now. Thank You!
Julia, Argentina
Dear Jyoti, I have had adrenal fatigue for years and was bone weary all the time. Since I watched your video on adrenal healing, I no longer have the bone weariness. It was so bad I didn't want to move even when I knew I had to. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a blessing and I believe you are doing extraordinary work. Blessings, Mary Mangus
Hi Jyoti,
I'll start by saying that You Are Magic!
I can FEEL all your videos (and I'm sure I am not the only one), it's amazing what you're doing for people. I do watch lots of videos, trying to understand as much as possible about me, my purpose, how to align and stay in the flow, to forgive, to release, to heal, to listen, to stay in love state even when bad things happen.
I always come back to your videos, and I wish will meet you in one day and yes, to go deeper with your services. I do share with people that I feel they would love these videos and they like it, of course.
Thank you for sharing your magic with us, helps a lot!
With love,
Denisa Stancu
Watching this video, an acute pain just disappeared! Thank you. Dan Nadu
Jyoti is so gifted ... Her GIFT keeps on giving! for real ...
Thanks Jyoti !!! David Smith, MO
Dear Jyoti, I am an Indian, I live in small state in India, I don't write English very perfectly. But your word I understand, your all of healing video so beautiful and amazing, thats the medicine for me. I fell the energy of your hands. Love u. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇🌞🌞🌞🌞🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thankyou beloved I just kept absorbing golden light. And as though I am merging with divine Light coming from your hands. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. Loads of Love, Seema🌹🌹😘😘
Dearest Jyoti, I would like to thank you for your encoded session video help! My 13 Months son fell down on chair and hit the head today. When we wonder if he needs to go to hospital to have check up, I decided to let him watch your healing video for awakening my life purpose. The bruising on his head got immediate relief faster than our imagination! We are so grateful and feel thanks to see this happen!!!
Thank you very much Jyoti!
I love you! Love, Sharen
“I worked with Jyoti 9 years ago. My Life has changed in unfathomable and incredible ways. I cant predict what changes you will experience. Sometimes we don’t even notice that things have changed and we somehow think they have always been like this. One person was on pain medication and didn’t even notice that after doing sessions with Jyoti that they weren’t on pain medication anymore. In fact they saw the medication and didn’t remember ever having taken it for anything. As far as what you will feel. Every person is different. I feel bliss and joy when i receive Jyoti’s Presence, especially her private sessions and immersions. I had suffered from chronic Fatigue syndrome and couldn’t hardly get out of bed, much less exercise. I didn’t even leave my house for over a year because I was so debilitated. Now I ride my bike like a maniac. I couldn’t feel Love and now I have found my Love. I now live more aware and present and awake than ever before. Jyoti doesn’t heal you from her personality. Your and her spirit work together on what is needed for you to unfold new possibilities that weren’t possible for you before. This is what I know. This is what I have experienced with Jyoti. I also know many others who have been completely healed and transformed in her presence. She has a way of bringing you into a new life, not just the elimination of a problem. You get a new life.”
“I have been blessed and honored to witness Jyoti and her amazing work firsthand. I was amazed by her elegant work which transformed a typical end of life hospital scene into a magical, mystical journey of what can only be to as bliss and gratefulness. She so elegantly transforms everyone she works with. In a few rare moments of witnessing her, we were all brought to the most joyous tears that healed each of us forever. I have been deeply awakened and touched by her presence and her extraordinary abilities. Her abilities are miraculous and help in mysterious and sometimes scientifically impossible ways. I have seen her heal a broken bone in minutes, I have seen her heal the inner chest cavity of an adolescent who had previously suffered from significant scarring as a result of early childhood pertussis. Jyoti is a miracle worker beyond measure. She is humble, loving, and a rare gift in this world.
Dear Jyoti, I've written to you before and want to *thank you* for being there for so many people. I'm the one finishing my doctorate at Oxford. I would be interested to know after your experience in legal system if you think there are implants in other human systems like academia. Anyhow, in October I got my first well-paying job since 2010! I listened to your money manifestation videos. It took them til today to process. This is the first money I've seen in a lonnnng time. I am clearing out debt. Thank you with deepest heartfelt thanks for your powerful soul work. I also agree with your comments on consciousness.
Love and best wishes,
I can't thank you enough for this amazing gift you gave me, clarity. I feel like crying in this moment... I know exactly what I have to do. I just love you, you are amazing! You can't imagine the help you gave me, I am able to stay calm and think clearly my next steps. I truly feel I am not alone. Thank you!!! I will update you with this. Looking forward and positive.
Denisa, AU
Beautiful Soul,
Thank you for experience of miracle healing.
As You said once-we all create miracles, even when it seems impossible sometimes it is true.
We can't do anything, but our Souls create miracles every day, because life is a miracle. Children smiling, innocent eyes, the magic of nature, wind, Sun, Stars, Moon...if we can enjoy this precious moments, then miracles happen.
Thank you for teaching me that.
You touch my heart in so many ways that I can't tell you how, words sometimes are not enough.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
With love,
Dear Jyoti
My name is Charlene Moore... I can not express how grateful I am to . You truly are an amazing loving person who is most definitely changing my life right now. I have suffered my whole entire life with sorrow pain .. I've had childhood trauma childhood pain suffering .. teenage trauma and adult trauma ... I have been fighting my whole life to feel better from the inside out and finding your healing videos are the best thing that has ever happened to me ever in my life .. you truly are amazing!
You have made my pain dissolve and my sorrow pass ..
You are making me feel a better person and act a better person ..
I am feeling proud of myself and my life as a result of your videos .. you are like an angel.
The thing in my life that I have been searching for all my childhood and adult hood ... is you .. and I'm so grateful I found you .. you are the answers to my prayer .. I have love in my heart for you ..
I never thought I could ever start to feel better ever.. you have given me hope, so much hope and faith and belief..
You are one of the world's greatest gifts! I'm starting to really feel great since I've watched your free healing videos their amazing!
Thank you
Charlene Moore
Jyoti!!!! I just wanted to reach out to you to let me know how much you have changed my life. I stumbled upon your videos a few years ago, when I was at my lowest point in my life. I was very suicidal for years, and it just kept getting worse and worse. I found your videos at a time where I wasn't even very familiar with the concept of energy work or all of the metaphysics that shape our universe. That first video I watched - I didn't understand it at all! But it didn't matter, because something amazing happened. I felt a shift inside of me only one minute into the video. Not only was this the start of me believing in you, but this was the start of me believing in miracles. Over the years, I have re-visited your channel in my times of need. But more recently, I've been making a daily habit out of watching your videos, even if everything is "ok". You have provided me with comfort, hope, many many blessings, and most importantly, the will to go on with my life. Just from your free videos, my life has completely transformed. I have not been able to contribute any monetary donations, as I am pretty young, but I want you to know that I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers. I have sent you all of the positivity and love energy that I could. I am also very excited to see that you just released your break free series. I hope to be able to take part in that soon. Much love <3 Adrianna
Thank you, Jyoti from my heart!
Love, bless, gratitude!
Jyoti is ALL heart. When I just think of Jyoti, my heart feels held. And her videos/work embody this, but also so much more that is way beyond what I can mentally know or conceptualize. A couple of years ago, I felt inclined to watch her videos regularly, often in fact. And as I did this, my whole being (especially the outer layers) opened up like a flower, and started to synchronize with a much bigger picture. I felt myself just being in the present moment, enjoying it, effortlessly. There was nowhere else to go. This is what life is asking from us. And this is the beautiful miracle of life that draws me again and again to Jyoti and her work, until hopefully every cell in my being can know that there isn't anything beyond LIFE, and thus nothing to fear. I am utterly grateful for her loving presence and devotion to this life. I love you.
signed Tessa
I love you so much! I found you on the channel youtu.be 7 months ago when I needed to heal the relationship with the money. I do not know exactly ... but I think for 3 months my body responded with light electrical shocks when I was following you. Now I'm crying for joy when watching you. The money flow has been unlocked ..... the money has started to flow. in ROMANIA Europe I know English quite a bit .... I understand what you are transmitting in a proportion of 70% and what I do not understand .... feel. Thank you .... Thank you .... Thank you I love you! GOD OF ME .... WALK GOD FROM YOU!
Good evening.
Thank you. It was very powerful feeling which brought an immense pain from within and cry. And left me empty from these feelings. I am sure it is transforming. Had no plans, no goals. Just a pure energy restoration.
Thank you. Have a good time with your family.
Czech, currently working in UAE
Dear Jyoti,
I've suffered since childhood with extreme anxiety and panic attacks, this is crippling and it has negatively affected my personal and professional life.
I was in awe after watching you on a healing video, as I promptly felt asleep and rested for 9 hours.!
It was the first good night sound sleep I've had in months.
Thank you for your loving healing videos.
God bless you
Love, Elsa
Hi Jyoti!
I attempted sending you a video thru your FB page. Sorry I had tech problems. I wanted you to know that my experiences from watching your videos just in the last 4 weeks or so have been PRICELESS!!!
How so? I’ve been going through a lot of soul searching...life changing stuff. Ended relationship, trying to find a new career and not having luck, financials a mess, moved from farm to city, son started kindergarten, new relationship, new home, still no career change and financials still bleak HOWEVER daily I watch your videos and more and more I am claiming the truth that you are providing! I’m not on any meds or anti-depressants during this feeling like the “Walking Dead” that I am in but your videos have brought me a peace and calmness that I cannot explain. Bliss even! It feels good to feel excited about life! About nothing in particular but to just feel good because it feels good even during this time of crazyness in my life! It feels badass in a way. Like I shouldn’t feel this happy and peaceful but your words and downloads have gotten to me!!!! I am sooooo utterly grateful for your gifts that you share and that I found you when I did. You’ve made my life better and inspired me that some how in some way I will make the world better too just like you are. I trust this. This knowing and trust is AMAZING. Priceless. Thank you for the energy and mindsetshift! So much love to you and your Little’s!!! - Alisha Joy
Ohhh I made some gifts for you! I get so inspired by you that I love to turn your words into art. Feel free to use these on social to promote your offerings! If you need any help on how to do that just let me know. Let me know if the gifs don’t work for you. These are late birthday gifts. I wish I could offer money at this time but please accept these gifts of my time. I hope you enjoy them, I loved making them!!! (Okay, the gif’s won’t send this way, I’ll look into it and find a way to get them to you!
Blessings of love and abundance!
Hi Jyoti,
I'm writing to you to share how grateful I am for your amazing work. I found your videos on youtube about 3 weeks ago and I loved it immediately. The first one I saw was Manifest money miracle in 24 hours. What can I say. What I was looking for was a miracle. I quit my job in administration a month ago because I decided that it's time to walk away from a toxic environment and follow my artistic path. Since 2013 I've been creating visionary paintings saturated with aura of mysticism and transcendence and even though many people liked my work, they were not willing to buy it. So, after watching your video on manifesting money, I had a coffee with an acquaintance and I told her about my painting, its transforming and healing energy. And she made an order. She wanted a painting with an intention of awakening feminine energy, love and romantic relationship. I started to paint it immediately. The same day I got a message that there's an opening in her friendship with a man she met a couple of weeks ago and two days after that she wrote that she wants not one but three paintings: one with an intention of feminine energy, second with an intention of love and the third one: wisdom. Isn't it just wonderful?
I'm so happy I got these commissions and I'm so happy for her, for bringing joy and miracles into her life. I feel like I'm on my path, doing what I love to do and bringing something unique into people's life.
I feel very grateful for your beautiful and loving energy. Whatever you do energetically, it works. And I want to thank you from the depth of my heart for all your blessings and healing work. Of course since the very first video, I've been watching your youtube videos and sharing them with my friends. My sister loves your work.
I enclose a photo of the first painting "Femininity" and a link to the gallery of my art: http://www.samantaulybin.com/gallery.html. I hope you enjoy it.
With love,
Samanta Ulybin
P.S. Happy BIRTHDAY!!!
Hi Jyoti LIGHT!
My name is Sun Park originally from Seoul, Korea. I have always been in true spirituality and I have found my GOD in human form in this life time. With HIS grace, out of blue, your video showed up on YouTube and I was instantly drawn to it. I have watched your 1 video clip half believing and half skeptical with my linear mind. However, my heart knew you were real and your encoded video clip was powerful.
I am an actress who has a MFA in acting from UCLA. I had to go through consecutive 9 years of spiritual challenge to get my personal issue fixed. And in 2014 June, God had fixed my situation(after 9 years). I went to see my parents who live in Seoul, Korea for about 2 months. And, without warning, two months after my visiting my parents in Seoul, Korea, my healthy loving father had passed away on September 28th 2014. His entire life was nothing but a servant of God-Jesus. He was 71 year young. He worked at a non profit organization calls "World Vision" as a Vice President and travels a lot. His 14 years right before his dropping his body, he dedicated himself helping North Koreans with building noodle factories and growing potatoes where there was nothing but a barren field. He declined when he had been asked to serve the organization as a CEO for 3 more years. After resigning his position at age 70, he stayed 1 more extra year with my mom leisurely traveling and finally meeting me after 4 years and spending great time together for 2 months, his soul decided to drop it.
Long story short, this September 28th in Seoul, Korea time, my mom is planning to do a huge 3 years memorial service for me dad. My mom's fundamental belief in Christianity caused me great pain and stress and she disapproves EVERYTHING I do and EVERYTHING I AM. I really don't want to see her this time since my acting career is taking off with my great effort and GOD's Grace. I quit my side job and dedicated my time and energy into acting ever since 2016 September. Of course, I went to see my mom in Xmas time and stayed there until January 30st. Again from February this year 2017 til now I focused on nothing but getting my creative energy back.
With some doubt, even thought I instantly felt very soothing energy from your video clip, I watched 3 min Money miracle and 2 min a Miracle clip within 24 hours. The very next day I had a voice over audition for McDonald commercial, and I BOOKED that job. Whatever you did in that encoded video actually worked and I instantly got the result.
I have no doubt your video actually healed me. No matter how much I tried to stay focused, my mom's constant nag and telling me I am on the wrong path spiritually really made me hurt and sad.... I believe in LOVE. I believe in ALL GOD's Forms and NAMES. Above all, I love my Spiritual Guru Sai Baba.
My mom thinks I am evil possessed and texts me in a prayer saying "Jesus please let the evil spirit on my daughter release her etc" I HAD TO BLOCK her number since she will harass me with her texts every single day. I am the only child and all her focus is on me especially after my dad' passing.
Now she is DEMANDING I MUST come and attend my dad's 3 years memorial service that she is preparing. My dad gained lots of respect from people, so it is always a huge event. I attended the first year memorial service. Last year my mom got sick and I went to be with her for 2 months during summer time, and she understood that I couldn't stay extra month to attend my dad's 2 years memorial service. She gave me an excuse. HOWEVER, this year since I have been so busy with my career, I was unable to visit her during summer. She told me if I don't show up, it is a true betrayal to her and my dad.
I have been praying about this for a while. It just seems like I can't get the clear answer to it. My husband says go and stay with her least for 1 week. However, my HEART really don't want to spend time with her at this point. I checked the airline to fly out and come back on the same day, and it is very expensive if I do the one day turn around.........
Would you please pray for me? I normally never seek answers from outsiders since I know our heart has an answer. However, with you since you don't TELL us what to do, I feel like I can ask you to pray for me.
I booked a new TV series on Blackpills media network, I was on set in the morning(until 1:30pm) and I just got back home.........................
Thank you very much for your support!
P.S. I have realized I had FEAR not being loved by my own mother..... I never knew until I had to block her number.... Om Sai Ram
Dear Joyti,
Happy Birthday!! I have only been watching & listening to your free videos (Money Miracle, Permanent Healing, Art of Sacred Release, etc.) for a few weeks. While I haven't seen a money miracle yet, I believe it will happen. I try to watch/listen to your videos every day, a few times a day. I find that when I start to feel stressed about a situation, listening to you helps clear my mind and ease that stress. You are such a wonderful spirit and you have much love in your heart. Your words give such comfort at a time when it is needed and that is such a wonderful blessing. Thank you for all that you do.
With much love, Renee L. Hendrix
Hi Jyoti!
I would like to start to say, that i really love all of your free healing videos, and it was throught them that i met YOU! And i was searching to find some help on youtube, and when i saw you,i thought ,wow i must try... I'm sick in cfs, and i have ben that for two years now. And it has been a struggle..before o got sick i was in a car accident which really shooked me..And thanks to you and your healing videos i have got more energy back, i have been able to heal trauma,emotional upset, heal my adrenals and soo much more,and it has been so helpful. I have come a long way since i got your help, and i feel much better .
Because of my bad english ;) i have choosed to write a poem to you
Dear Jyoti.
When i saw your face, i saw and felt love and security..
When i was down,you lifted me up.
When i was shaking of all the stress in my body, you calmed me.
When i thought all hope was gone, you told me how precious I was and you hugged my heart and
you gave me my faith back to me..
I don't know how you are , but i know you're the most beautiful of the souls that i have me in this life.
You found me in the darkest place and you gave me your hand.
And for that i'm soo grateful!
I love you,and i'm sooo thankful that you are here on this planet in this time.
Thank you, Jyoti
Many kisses and hugs from Sandrine
Hey you. Happy birthday. I sent a letter to you via your website. My name is William Thomas Dalton. .bill 4 short.
Well i am going to trust my email reaches you in whatever time frame it takes.
My life is changing. I have learned somethings from you already and i have some favorites: process as it relates to change is out. I feel loved when i listen to you. I have completely turned off rekie healing music..subliminals and new age things. I am 55..single..no significant other since 93..except my cats..jasper passed away a few yrs ago so i picked up a 5 yr old rescue cat from humane society. His name is Derek. Took 2 yrs b4 he wouldnt cry when i picked him up. He has saved me many times..gonna share a pic of us and i hope my previous email reaches you..was kind of lengthy.(Sent it late last night..early a.m) i sent it to miraclesmanifestnow.com.I am in florida bout 8 miles from sarasota and i will get through this storm with grace and ease.
Love you for you. Ty 4 wut you do and have done for me..lol..find my email!! Haha.
Happy birthday. Hugs to you.
Jyoti, this isn´t a video, as I am too shy and self-conscious to film myself speaking, so I took the liberty of writing these words !
Dearest Jyoti !
I remember when I found you on Youtube back in 2011 or so, it was actually quite a surreal experience. I knew instantly from the empowered way that you spoke and from the truthful and knowing vibe that you were emitting, that you were the real deal. What you were saying, that anything and everything could miraculously change in an instant resonated with me ! It was like, Finally ! That big unknown thing that I had been subconsciously awaiting was Finally here ! From then on, I knew that you were going to be an important part of my journey . (I feel Joy reading this !)
I eagerly watched your Free Healing Videos, again, and again, and about one or two months later, a dramatic shift happend for me. Prior to this, the invisible weights I was carrying were preventing me from being able to keep things clean and tidy in our appartment. But suddenly, as if by Magic, it WAS now possible ! I felt that energetically weights had been lifted from me, because now, for the first time since I moved out of my parents home when I was 18, I was able to run a household. This change meant the WORLD to me, especially being a mother !
What I can tell you, Jyoti, and what is of vital importance, is that from then on, just knowing that you and your miraculous work existed, was suddenly a Big Bright Light of Hope that things COULD actually change for me. It felt as if I had shifted into a brighter parallel reality, so great was the impact your Presence had on my Life, and I am SURE on MANY others as well !Because of my social anxiety disorder, I had spent my whole Life practically indoors, without friends, without the feeling that I belonged anywhere………so the fact that I had found YOU was Existance NOW whispering to me: There IS a way out, Viviane, just hang in there, you´ll MAKE it…..<3 <3 <3
And then I did the Two weeks Private Session…..six months later I left my boyfriend and moved to my own appartment….looking back, I now realize that what you said to me, that I had moved mountains by taking this step, was TRUE in every way. I mustered up the courage to move away to live on my own even with social anxiety….the first few months were very hard, but then – I found a place where people with mental disorders go to to have a daily structure in their lives. The vibe there was/is perfect for me….very gentle, harmonious and soft-spoken….there I have met some of the kindest souls ever ! I am not alone anymore ! And eventhough the people there are far from being aware and awake, they have kind pure hearts, and I have people who like and care about me ! There, I have been able to discover my inner beauty, my gentle, loving being which I was not able to develop before, as I was always vibrating at a very low level. Being able to go to this place now for two years has given me the knowing that I belong somewhere, and for the first time in my life I feel safe. Truly, not many days has gone by, since having left my old Life, without me being in a state of amazed and deeply humbled appreciation for my NOW reality ! I realize how important it was for me to first get grounded in this way before I could be completely healed. It was vital that I first learn the most basic ways of relating to other human beings in a group setting, skills that I did not have before. This my claircognizance told me a few months ago.
What I would like to tell you, Jyoti, is that you have always been EXTREMELY kind, generous and supportive of me. I remember when I ordered a Light Infusion Download, you made it into a Custom Light Infusion Download, including the Realization of my Deepest Hearts Desires ! Over the six years that we now know each other, you have given me many gifts, not to mention your many words of Comfort, Love and Upliftment sent my way ! So often, you have given me More than you would have had to ! May I tell you, that this extreme generosity was recognized and received each time as the Unconditional Love, Mercy and Grace that it was, and believe me, and I am sure that you know this well yourself, when one is in the dark, every act/gift/word of kindness means EVERYTHING, and is thus appreciated deeply !
So, I am wishing you a Very Blessed Day of Birth in this Time – Space Continuum, and I am sending you INFINITE THANK YOUS for continually being a Source of Stability and LIGHT in my Life, you PRECIOUS LIGHT, You ! <3 <3
Endless Blessings,
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