How ...It Works!

Warning: what you are about to read is the Actual Experiential Truth that naturally and “miraculously” unfolds from engaging in Sessions together. 

The Transformational Changes you receive and LIVE may not make sense to your linear rational mind. When your mind cannot wrap itself around what just happened, it literally collapses upon the Now as “this is the way it's always been” and fabricates a past under the now new conditions you are experiencing.

This work does not follow linear timelines, foundational protocols, or learning curves.

It can be highly specific or "seem" nonspecific … which leads to highly specific experiences, which were impossible before.

It produces inexplicable instantaneous changes that result in new choices, options, possibilities, experiences, inspirations, states of Being, and manifestations that were not possible before.

And, another very Real Truth about this work … 

It “saves” You from experiencing things you don’t even know that you don’t know are ahead of You in your “future.” As You are able to bypass it and walk upon a higher more aligned path for You… Naturally and Effortlessly.

It “Proves” that everything You Require for Your Next Phase of Life (Awakening Beyond Consciousness) is Accessible and Available Now…and Not the result of “working” on issues, “therapeutic” re-telling, re-living, or “understanding” your traumas/wounding/past life issues/programs/ etc… etc… etc…


You may be seeking relief for a specific Issue or Concern … 

and You may in the beginning days Receive something that can appear to be entirely different ... yet I assure You, this is the Most Powerful Elegant Way to completely Serve You in the most Miraculous of ways! Everything that happens is intimately related within the 'consciousness reality structure' you are/were living out. Sometimes it may First deep dive in to the Actual Causal pattern root, invisible from your conscious perception. This Service always provides the most Direct and Powerful Transformation Possible for You Uniquely. 

Your Ancestral Soul Patterns are vastly impacting your life in a whole host of ways that include: Limitations in thinking, feeling, perceiving, understanding, blind spots, transposed situations, inversions, closed/locked areas in Awareness ... they also keep you from seeing, feeling, knowing, and Being Who You Really Are. They perpetuate issues, dysfunctions, limitations, set points... they limit emotional and intellectual range and access.  All of which simultaneously keep you repeating the patterns, and do not allow you to break free even with all of your intention, action, desire and will power!

Bottom Line.

There is Real Living True Life Transformational Magic Here.

Things CAN and DO Change, Morph, Transform, Give Way … in the most Beneficial of Ways. Both short and long term … that continue to evolve through Your Life Experience as You Live it.


Right Here… In this Space of where You and I Gather in this Specific Way … IAM.

Absolutely anything can be Impacted. Improved. Healed. Restored. Resolved. 

Restored to its Original State : even if that is yet unknown in your Lifetime!

Sometimes this work Miraculously impacts those who surround You too… and even calls in those whom You are here to BE with in this life. New people and situations and events seem to materialize out of nowhere!

This kind of Magic is hidden from Logic. Its hidden from sight, yet in Plane View … 

If you Know how to SEE, Access, and Claim it.

Fortunately, you don’t need to know “how”!

The Results that occur do not require your mental or emotional understanding or processing.

it doesn’t require learning curves, tools, techniques, concepts, or even new technology.

Yes… this work does NOT require conscious, intellectual or linear understanding.

It only Requires your Sincere Multidimensional Heart. Present. Effortless.

Here now.

“Hidden” in Plane Sight.

In this Now Moment. Where We Unite .. Beyond Consciousness.

It only takes a Moment … not in linear time … outside of time.

IAM here to re-Mind You of the Magic Available for You!

You are far More … than you have known.

Beyond Consciousness … You Exist! You Live!

Honestly… If You desire to Know the Truth … 

Consciousness itself is a hijack, a program, a simulation … where fractals repeat,.. where holograms seem to hold the whole picture… where things progress through “timelines” and “sequential” knowledge … most of which will be proven to be inconsequential and meaningless in the end.

We Live within a Frequential Reality construct within a Distorted Program of Consciousness … that makes things appear As They Are NOT!

However … FREQUENCY is QUEEN or KING … and IT Will Re-Solve itself through You … eventually … either NOW or in the upcoming NOW … IF You Choose it!

This is Why IAM here now.

I Have the Access.

I was Born with it.

In Fact … Jesus, Yeshua, Yahweh …  has been Present with me since before my Birth into this Re-All-I-Tea… 

I was Aware of my Conception… including how I chose my parents and the Ancestral Soul Lineage of Constellations IAM and we ALL are here to Re-Solve …

I was Aware in my Gestational Womb Experience …

I was Aware in my Birth and all the conditions surrounding it … 

I was Aware in my infant and childhood experiences … 

On multidimensional levels…

This is what I was Incarnated for …

To See, Feel, Know … what is POSSIBLE in this NOW Moment for each person I encounter!

It is not a linear or “conscious” experience … as it unfolds through and beyond these definitions and containers of “understanding” …

Its rather an In-Body-Meant of Inner-Standing of Who You Really Are .. Who We Really Are To-Gather.

If this makes “sense” to You … or Calls You in some Way …

You are Ripe for this experience … the Inner-Standing of Your Magical Self in this Life … Now.

This is Why IAM Here … and Who IAM Here for.

If this is YOU … 

Welcome Beloved One … 

Your Life is about to Transform in Ways and Means Beyond Your Wildest Imaginings!

IAM Here for YOU.




Copyright miraclesmanifestnow