Welcome Beloved One!! IAM So Happy to See You Here!

(yes, I can actually feel Your Presence when You arrive here!)

Welcome to this Sacred Space Devoted to the Emergence of the Miraculous YOU ... 

This Magical Miraculous Space is already within You ... 

IAM here to assist in bringing it forward, front and center in Your Life!

Opening what is Possible for You (and Your Ancestral Soul Lineage) to Live and Enjoy and Experience in unfathomable ways.

Miracles Actually Do Manifest Here.

 Not because we demand, or force what we think we want/need, or do some "advanced" technique to "magically make it happen" ... 

The Divine does not work that way

The ego does.

Miracles Happen here because we Unite Together within Our Supernatural Eternal Spirit Level and Our Temporary Soul Incarnation Level ... and 

We Deep Dive into RESOLVING and HEALING and TRANSFORMING the Ancestral Constellations within Your Soul.

These Ancestral Constellations are Blueprint Programs are active at your conception, and they literally in-form Your Body and Body of Experience in this life through the replication of your DNA. These Ancestral Soul Constellations set You up to Experience very specific experiences as well as generalized themes of life conditions ... this is for the Ultimate Purpose of Your Incarnation ... They contain the Codes and yes to Your Liberation, Healing, Transformation, and Growth in Re-Membering Who You Really Are beyond all of the ill-us-ions we experience as "real" ... AND as You do this ... You Liberate. Heal and Transform your Living Ancestry of Beloveds who came before you ... where the Constellations originated.

We are in Constant Dynamic Dance with our Ancestry... we are the Living Beings here to Resolve. Heal, Make Whole, Liberate and Transform the themes, experiences, traumas, etc... that run through Our Life Experiences ... which are what our ancestors were unable to accomplish in their lifetimes. These unresolved things are our Life Themes. Until we Re-Solve, Unify, Make Whole ... for Us and Our Ancestry. 

This work / PLAY bypasses the conscious mind and creates direct inner access to Our True Life Purpose.

This is why we do not need to use consciousness strategies.

We do not need to talk, understand, work, set goals, etc...

This work Naturally and Beautifully and Perfectly reveals itself Through You in Mysterious and Magical and Miraculous Ways where the conscious mind is completely bypassed!

Thank God! Because what the conscious mind under-stands it controls!

It literally stands under the weight of the Ancestral Soul Constellations and "works hard" its whole limited life... struggling, needing, wanting, trying, doing, strategizing, resisting, fighting, activating, etc ... all to no avail! Then we usually think that learning new and even "advanced" tools / techniques / strategies is the answer... However, even when these "tools" seem like they are working - it's just another way that consciousness is controlling you ...which will eventually and inevitably reveal a deeper level of challenge beneath what you thought was "resolved" or "evolved beyond". 

All that comes from the limited ego mind CANNOT ever touch the Soul Constellations Active in Your Life in Multidimensional ways ... 

All consciousness is limited.

We are here to Awaken to Who We Actually Are Beyond Consciousness.

The Time has Come ...

Are You Ready?

This is the Only Jyoti (LIGHT) Unique Expression of Wild Divine Miracles on Planet Earth.

For a limited "time" only ... (until I am Shown how to Initiate others to also share this PLAY / body of work!!)

This work / PLAY is RADICALLY DIFFERENT than anything else out there ... 

It does NOT require You to DO stuff, Learn stuff, memorize stuff, work hard on stuff, change habits, mindsets, or anything that the ego personality could dream up.

Things Happen ... Automatically and From the Inside Out. Usually and mostly without your conscious perception.

No "trainings" or "classes" are required.

Your Spirit is Fully Engaged Here ... which means we can bypass all the "hard work" of the personality and simply Align with Our True Self ... deeper and deeper with each Session / Immersion..

Your ego mind is NOT required here ... except to take note of where you are now (before we begin!) ... so You can Witness the Magic ... and SEE what NEW is emerging (most people experience such profound transformation ... and so rapidly ... that it COMPLETELY BYPASSES the Conscious Mind... wiped clean, forgotten that the previous state was ever a "thing" REALLY!! It's like it never existed, as your conscious mind cannot track the previous disposition you previously -sometimes just yesterday- lived.)

Most times this work transforms things so rapidly that your conscious mind cannot follow the changes as they do not unfold in linear time ... So your mind collapses upon the NOW NEW experience as if it has always been that way...

THIS his how detached your ego and mind IS in this work / PLAY!

This works on a Higher Plane of Existence (Spirit Soul Causal Plane Interface) and Flows down into Your Living Embodiment Experience.

Sometimes INSTANTLY ... sometimes in radical Chunks ... and other times in Waves and Flows

This Work of Miracles is Made Manifest in Your Life in the Most Perfect Ways ... from a Higher Level of Awareness.

Here, there is no ego or conscious work required ... it is Natural and Available Now

This Work Operates outside of "time" and "space" and Manifests New Experiences and Possibilities in Your Life!

If You KNOW You are ready for this Now ... I Welcome You HERE!

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Let's PLAY together in Magical Possibilities!

The Miracle Portal is beginning to Emerge

Miracle Temple CandleLight Prayer Vigil 

PWYC 24 hour CandleLight Prayer Vigil 

(suggested $111)

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friends and family: healedthroughlove@gmail.com


 IAM Honored by Your Beautiful Unique and Radiant Presence!

If Inspired to Share Abundance with me and my children! 

*PayPal.com  (Friends and Family Method) :  healedthroughlove@gmail.com

*Venmo: @Miracle-Mama  (FRIENDS 5683)

*Amazon Gift Cards: riverofmiracles@gmail.com

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Venmo@Miracle-Mama (5683) Friends (USA ONLY)

 Paypal.com : (Select Friends and Family) healedthroughlove@gmail.com

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