Hello Beloved One!
I am so happy YOU are here! I know You are here to make Your (unique) difference in this world!
We ... (ALL of us ... so need YOU!)
Are You ready to GROUND into the Larger Purpose of our Planet and Life here upon Mother Earth?
YOU make such a huge difference by the way you choose to BE in each moment ... You have the power to change things, open possibilities, and Miracles ... Just by BEing... IN fact ... How you choose to BE makes such a difference to all life! I know it doesn't seem like it, especially when we can feel so isolated, alone, and lost in our personal struggles ... yet, Beloved One ... this is also where we are connected, especially when you cannot feel it!
There is a frequency fabric that holds and creates our personal and global reality ... and that reality changes as the frequency changes. The higher we elevate in frequency, the larger our domain of neutrality - and therefore the larger our domain of happiness, joy, connection, abundance, light, LOVE, laughter, freedom, Purpose, etc...
I am so happy YOU are here! I know You are here to make Your (unique) difference in this world!
We ... (ALL of us ... so need YOU!)
Are You ready to GROUND into the Larger Purpose of our Planet and Life here upon Mother Earth?
YOU make such a huge difference by the way you choose to BE in each moment ... You have the power to change things, open possibilities, and Miracles ... Just by BEing... IN fact ... How you choose to BE makes such a difference to all life! I know it doesn't seem like it, especially when we can feel so isolated, alone, and lost in our personal struggles ... yet, Beloved One ... this is also where we are connected, especially when you cannot feel it!
There is a frequency fabric that holds and creates our personal and global reality ... and that reality changes as the frequency changes. The higher we elevate in frequency, the larger our domain of neutrality - and therefore the larger our domain of happiness, joy, connection, abundance, light, LOVE, laughter, freedom, Purpose, etc...
HOW TO BE the Pillar of Light that You Are and Ground into Our Earth Mother:
(Below are two drawings that I scribbled when thinking of communicating this Light Grounding to YOU with Love!)
(Below are two drawings that I scribbled when thinking of communicating this Light Grounding to YOU with Love!)
Okay ... if You wish to try this out now ... Here we go! It is SO VERY SIMPLE!
See, Imagine, Sense, or Feel a vibrating sphere of light that is in the middle of the space you are in right now ... (just your awareness of it is enough to activate it's power in your life!)
This ball of vibrating Light is here to support You and to magnetize into itself:
All discordant, dysfunctional, chaotic, unclear, upset, abusive, harmful, low energy dense and painful vibrations that make you feel bad and lacking and weak and sick ...
It is always here with You to serve You ... It is provided for You at birth, with your arrival onto this plane - and is kept in place by your Guardian Angels and sometimes your Guides too.
This Powerful Sphere is a Sphere of Transmutation - where it can take any energy and return it to the original source of Love, beyond the spectrum of Polarity, and be fed back in to the polarity raising our frequencies with gentle and loving grace.
Every time we allow our discordant energy to be absorbed into the Sphere of Transmutation ... it Blasts upward through established invisible beams of Transmuting Light that pass through the entire Universe and are delivered directly to Source in a nano second! This energy is transformed, and cleared of all previous information.
This Pure Love Energy is then free to elevate, support, nourish, expand, and empower the rise in frequency of our polarity upon our Earth Mother, and within our bodies and lives.
As our frequency rises, the dualistic nature of Life in physical form changes from lower vibrating polarities with huge polarity (think "good vs evil") to higher frequencies of polarity (think "Spectrum of Awareness and Capacity of Love and Joy")- allowing for a natural evolution of our awareness, our consciousness, that extends beyond what was previously possible or "knowable." It opens potentials for Miracles yet undreamt of!
This naturally allows You to ground Your Pure Light into the Earth through You, like a vessel ... into all Life vibrating upon our Beautiful Earth Mother, including the Earth Mother's Core HerSelf! (this also helps align you with Your Life's Purpose!) -
And - if You are READY to LIVE Your Life's Purpose - I happen to specialize in clearing the way for You to effortlessly (YES EFFORTLESSLY) Manifest Miracles in Your Life, Open to possibilities unimagined before, and Live Your Life's Unique and Powerful Purpose and Alignment upon this planet through Private Sessions! (Yes, they are expensive, yet completely WORTH IT! just saying...)
You do not need to understand anything about this energy for it to work for You ... it is simply here for You, to serve You ... and your awareness of it activates it in your life!
INTRODUCING... a NEW LEVEL OF DAILY SUPPORT and ACCESS TO Miracles and Love with ME! ... Juicy Miraculous Life!!
If You would like to receive my daily support in assisting You to remain clear in times of chaos ... and be Open and Clear and Able to Easily Shine Your Light while in transition, Live Gracefully and Joyfully upon this planet during all the upcoming changes ... I have a daily program I am just opening to the public today! It is wonderful, comprehensive daily Support, Love, and Nourishment for You!
You can sign up for it here !
And... if you have not yet signed up for Your FREE Daily Dose of Jyoti - You can sign up here!
PS... I am Back and more devoted than ever! My Life's Purpose has gone into OVERDRIVE and is forcing my ego to get over everything and BLOSSOM more ways to SERVE YOU every day! Expect many new programs to emerge in the coming weeks and beyond!