Yes! You are Held within this Miracle Vortex  ... 

Where You can receive all that is necessary to BE SAFE ... Enough to BLOOM no matter what circumstances surround You!

You are a Precious Beloved Beautiful One! YOU DESERVE THIS!

IAM so Grateful that You have claimed this for Your Self!!

Your Encoded Video is Below ... Please read these instructions before You experience it!

I am so Proud of You Beloved One!

You are on your way to changing everything ... as when You feel SAFE ... New Life opens to You!

You are able to choose from a whole new level of Life's Potentials that were not available before now!

Relax and Breathe Beloved One ... I have You ...  

I am encoding the video below specifically for You ... it opens and transmits the actual embodiment Sphere of Safety in Your Life!

You do not have to do anything in order to receive and Embody this Safety.

Just by experiencing your video, You automatically embody it, it becomes part of You.

(scroll to the bottom of this page to Receive Your Encoded Video!!!)

In Love and Devotion to You,


Please stay in communication with me and share how you are feeling, what new is happening and how your life is changing!! IAM here to Support You!!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!      email:

Copyright miraclesmanifestnow