Soul Constellation Clearing Sessions with Jyoti 24 Hour
Soul Constellations are the Causal Programs of your life held in the blueprint of your Soul that limit, control, and create every issue, trauma, drama, suffering, and loss in your life. As we silently deep dive together in your SC Release Session, we access and release forever a multitude of limited Life programs, conditioned responses, traumas, and so much more. You truly become Your Self ... in ways that are Miraculous! Freed from limitations! (New 24 hour offering for those who cannot yet afford my deeper work)
Live Stream Miracle Support
This Service wraps you in a Miracle Chamber of Divine Love and Intervention for the duration You choose. This is a silent, distant Service that Opens You to the Miracles Reserved for You in the circumstances you face. (See Below)
Live Stream Miracle Support 7 * 14 * 28 Day Service!
Receive Support.
Receive Access. Direct Inner Access.
We Silently and Powerfully Unite within a powerful Miracle Chamber for 7-14-28 Days and Nights
You are Supernaturally Held, Supported, and Aligned with the Miracles You most need right now.
Problems dissolve and resolve in Love.
Revelations come. Solutions Emerge. Support shows up.
New possibilities are born. Miracles Blossom!
Sometimes, we all need
A Divine Intervention.
A Miraculous ...unknowable-by-the-familiar-self-thinking-mind
Elegant Solution to your seeming impossible situation is Here.
When your burdens are too much, and you simply cannot do it all or hold it all on your own anymore ...
It's time to RECEIVE Support and go Direct to the Source beyond the problems...
Its Time to Be Held, Supported and Sustained.
Here ... Miracles emerge through Effortless Grace.
From the Source of Infinite Love and Life who knows exactly what you need.
Comprehensive Solutions.
Big Picture, Whole Life, Effortless Solutions.
Let Go and Allow. Simply Receive.
This Sacred offering is a 7/14/28 day silent immersion in the Reception and Manifestation of the Miracle You most need Now.
Grace unfolds as Miracles here. Now.
Upon Registration, you will receive instant living Support. 24/7 Email access to me directly!
You do not have to do this alone. Never again. You are supported. You Deserve this! You can finally and fully let go...
In this unique service, there is no need to wait. You receive immediate and instant relief and support.
This Support is active and Alive 24/7, You will feel ... continuing for the duration you choose.
Operating outside of "normal time and space" ...
Allowing access beyond your wildest imagining.
This Support is custom created specifically for you.
You can receive this Support as often as You desire, until it becomes your natural state.
This works fast!
Your Unique Miraculous Solutions, Opportunities and Changes materialize under Divine Direction,
Beyond the Mind's ability to perceive.
Opening New Life.
Designed and Destined for You by Love.
Receive Supernatural Living Support ... today!
Choose Your Level of Support:
$3333 * Silent 7-Day Miracle Support
$4444 * Plus Custom Encoded Video
$7777 * Plus Live Miracle Mentoring Call
$9999 * 14-Day Support Plus Live Miracle Mentoring Call and Custom Encoded Video
* for longer 28 day cycles of support send email to
Investment in You Options:
* PayPal
Additional Payment Options for Live Stream Miracle Support:
* Amazon Gift Cards to:
* Western Union
* Bank Wire Transfer
* Cash or Check
* Provision of Services
**All My Miracle Services of Love and Devotion are Reserved for Beloveds who are as committed and invested as IAM.
This is a significant investment of my Life ... Together I Join and Unify with You at our Spirit level in a life transforming way ... where Miracles happen, where Healing happens ... Naturally. without linear logic, effort, or work. This happens
Open Awareness beyond conditioning, and Embody Your Unique Miraculous Life ... To Receive My Services, You are willing, ready and able to take responsibility for Your Whole Beautiful Miraculous Life including your circumstances, choices, challenges, purpose, inspirations, thoughts, feelings, projections, limitations, fears ... You understand the ways the mind controls, and you are ready, willing and able to recognize, release and surrender this control. (Yes, You will receive Divine Intervention as well as my Powerful Love and Devotion!!) to hold You into the Opening of the Life of Miracles You were destined to Live! In order to Receive this work, You agree to Live Your Life's Purpose, and OPEN to Healing, Love, Gratitude, Miraculous Support, Love Intervention, Forgiveness, Divine intervention, Miraculous Intervention, Divine Support, Belonging, Unity, Joy, Bliss, Expansion, Beauty, and Wholeness that can only come through Love beyond this world.
THIS IS NOT FOR the *just curious* This is for You who Believes in Love, Miracles, Grace, and Undreamt of Possibilities Yet to Come!
Copyright miraclesmanifestnow