Within the Magic and Miraculousness of this Space .. I meet You ... We are here together for Miracles ... thank You for saying YES to be a part of this! Your Community of Sacred Beloveds is awaiting You! this is the OPENING where You will be attuned to meet them, live with them, Love them, and BE Loved by them! As Life unfolds from here forward ... You will no longer ... ever feel alone! You are so Very Precious! You deserve to BE Loved, Held, Seen, Heard, Witnessed, Treasured, Adored, Cared for, Prioritized, Beloved ... and more ... Here You shall be opened to connect with Your Precious Ones ... Here to Love You.

Within the Vast Spaciousness of Life ... of Love ... I meet You here ... together we Blossom, bloom beyond all conditions ... Awakening the Greatness intended for all life ... You are the Door through which Love is expanding. Be You. Everything finds You ... when You are the YOU intended by Creation.

I Love You.


This Powerful Activation on Bella's Day of Birth ... is Living and active for You from the moment you send PayPal ... it has begun the moment I set it in motion through this page ... There will be no recording, video, audio, or any interference to stand between You and the Instant and Elegant Reception and Unfolding of Your Awakening Activation Specific for Opening Sacred Connections in your life. New Connects are being formed for You Now ... new Possibilities are already emerging for you ... be awake to the unfolding new Realities that come into Your Life experience.. stand in Awe and Appreciation of the Life that You are Given here and now ... You are beginning the Awakening Beyond Consciousness Journey and as You desire to go deeper, or are ready for my next level support - I Am Here ... and from HERE ... You can choose which Level of My Vital Service to best Support You and Assist You though your Epic Journey!

I AM Here to Support Jyoti in her Vital Service

Copyright miraclesmanifestnow