Life Expression! Unconditional Love Portal Painting

In-Bodied ... Unconditional Love

THIS is Our Purpose.

 Inspires the Opening of Grace.

The Restoration of the Palpable Infinite Love of the Sacred Mother.

Love that knows no bounds and only deepens with experience.

I am being guided to create an Inspired, Intentional, Tangible, Embodied Love Portal Painting to assist You in Embodying the Unconditional Love that You Are. When this painting is complete, I will encode a special piece of this painting, chosen specifically for You and mail it to You. So that You can carry a piece of the actual painting with you! Having access to the Fully Embodied Presence of Love that it contains, and I also encode it specifically for You to Spark through Grace into BEING Your Unconditional Love in this life! (You know how the hologram works right... it is indivisible and the whole energy remains intact when you touch any part of it.)

This Painting is a PORTAL into Your Own In-Body-Meant of Unconditional Love

This painting is infused with:

Blessed Heart Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl Infused Water
Embodiment of Love, Devotion and Healing for You
Water from the Deepest Hot Springs in the world
Unconditional Love of the Divine Mother
 Inner Access to the Sacred You
Spirit Family Initiation Activation
Support and Belonging
Natural Innocence
Love Purpose

You are welcome to purchase multiple pieces to give to others, or to have one on your Altar or Sacred Space, and one to carry with you, one for your vehicle, office, bedroom, in your sacred art pieces, etc...

I have heard your calls, your longing, your loneliness ... I opened this painting on Valentines Day! The Day of Love in Celebration of You ... Offering You physical tangible access to our Portal of the Unconditional Love You Deserve to Live!

Ships free worldwide!