
Miracle Healing Group Sessions 

Powerful Group Soul Constellation Healing Sundays @5:55am PST

Invite Your Friends and Family for extra power!


Sunday Miracle Healing Group Sessions!

Silent. Powerful. Life Transforming. Permanent Healing.

First of it's kind. Ever.


In my quest to serve as many beloveds as possible at once, and create blissful ripples of Transformation, Miracles, Peace, Resolution, Healing, and the expansion of what is Possible for Life ... 

I was guided to create this Group Weekly Sunday Healing Project ... 

This is unlike anything else out there ... 

I do not work with energy, in fact, "energy healing" is responsible for creating deeper problems and heavier "energies" taking root in your life and body, and upon the entire planet ... even when it appears you are "getting results." (More on this to come!) 

In my Life's Work, I work directly with Your Spirit where I am guided to Your Specific Soul Constellations (tapestries of limitations within your soul, distorting perceptions, life and causing suffering, karma, imprisonment, and pain) causing the limitations and challenges of your entire life, from birth forward. 

When we release and transform Your Soul Constellations, Your personal energy polarity is naturally rebalanced and reset, all changes are instant and permanent, and continue to seek the Wholeness of Freedom that Your Spirit guides us toward in each successive Session. 

Within these Group Sessions, we release the group shared Soul Constellations! Resulting in ... 

Permanent Healing! 




If You desire "Energy Healing," or "Free Energy Healing," You are knocking on the wrong door.

I do not do energy healing ... not ever.

This Healing works directly with the Group's Soul Constellations that are common. This can, (and does!) result in Massive, Immediate, Healing and Transformation for You. Each Sunday Session will be unpredictably and un-precendently Powerful... and Unpredictable Miracles.

What this is:

Powerful Silent Sunday Group Healing Session, Instantly Delivered to You Via Your Spirit and Soul.  @ 5:55am PST. 

Each Sunday ...  I tune in with ALL Registered Beloveds and witness with Love, Allow, Track, Heal, Resolve, and Release the Destined Shared Soul Constellations (Life Blueprint Causal Programs) causing the limitations and challenges You have been facing. This results in Permanent Healing and Transformation of your Life's experience in unpredictable ways ... Opening the way for Grace, Love, Divine Intervention, and Unfathomable and Unpredictable Miracles to enter Your Life. 

 This is Epic Silent Powerful Group Healing and Transformation. 

This Healing is Delivered Silently, free from all electronics, and all media. There will be no talking, no discussion, no dialog, no recording, no audio or video, no internet page to view. In this Unique work, Your Healing Session bypasses your limited linear tracking ability, and far surpasses your conscious mind, which ACTUALLY CREATES IMMEDIATE and INSTANT CHANGE, from the Core of Your Essence, free from the negative influences of  consciousness control in your personal life experience as well as the current consciousness control on this planet. 

As you receive these Soul Constellation clearings, your entire polarity in form will be naturally rebalanced. This is why we never work with energy, as energy is the effect and can only naturally rebalance itself when fundamental healing has taken place. This IS the fundamental Healing that naturally creates a polarity realignment with more of your True Spirit in the lead, not another energy tool, technique to control or manipulate reality ... actual Causal Healing within the ultimate blueprint of your life ... Your Soul.

There is nothing to "do" other than Commit and Receive! Then, You simply Be ... and watch as your life feels more free, more open, less stressed, more CLEAR, more PEACEFUL, new ideas and Inspirations can now reach you, You have greater Self Love and Awareness, You are more optimistic, you sleep better, You FEEL BETTER ... and so much more ... Miracles Happen Here.

What this is not:

This is NOT a Listen, Watch or be entertained Session there will be no Video, Audio, or Recorded Session, there is no linear explanation, or dialogue. 

This is not a tool, technique, experiment, or energy healing. 

I am not in charge. Your Spirit Guides My Spirit to exactly where you are needing the most healing in your life, where you are most limited and most stuck, based upon the Purpose of Your Spirit and the evolution and Freedom of Your Soul, within the context of the group.

This is not intention or action, energy or thought, consciousness or temporary manipulations of energy. It is instant and immediate permanent clearing of the causes of your limitations within the Soul itself.

**Important Note: I do not EVER, even in my deepest work, work with EFFECTS ... such as problems, conditions, challenges, illnesses, etc... I only work DIRECTLY with the Soul Constellations-At-Cause of the challenges, pain, suffering, limitations, and ceilings of possibilities you are controlled by. Many of these will not be conscious to you, as they are cloaked from your awareness and live within you in the domain of "I don't even know that I don't know..." Until You are freed from them!


We are living in a time where it is Essential for You to Awaken to the Beauty, Power, Sovereignty, and Presence of You! You are an immense Being of Love, Purpose, Power, Radiance, Joy, Bliss, etc... that must Come Alive in order to shift what is possible for All Life! Many await You! You are needed now to Awaken and Create the Magic You are Here to Live! 

This Group Session opens the Way for Healing in the most immediate direct way possible, smilier to my Private Sessions, just not as in-depth. This Group Distant Healing is free from all electronics, and is immediately delivered Directly to You via Your Own Spirit and Soul @5:55am PST each Sunday. 

How do I Register for My Sunday Healing Sessions?

You can Now register through an gift card

Register through Amazon Gift Card
(Single $1111 or Family $2222)
at  (send to


This Group Healing Session is offered at 1/5th of the cost of a Private Soul Constellation Session. If You seek A Private Session You can Purchase it HERE!

Invite Your Friends and FAmily for extra powerful Healing and clearing!

Group Sunday Miracle Healing Session

What Comes Next?

For my Deepest intensive work, we must be One to One.

In My Private Sessions and Immersive Sessions we deep-dive together, one to one, addressing the deepest Soul Constellation Causes creating Your entire Life experience, from conception forward ... Here, we deep dive together one to one, just You and I, until The Session is complete - outside of time and space ... I stay connected with you 24/7 until I receive that we are complete from Your Spirit  We end up naturally addressing Your Unique Soul Constellations, Karmic ties, Bloodline and Genetic Limitations, Structures that inhibit, limit, control and manipulate your life, inhibiting your Growth, Freedom, Awareness, Potentials, Possibilities, and Your Natural Awakening Beyond Consciousness. This work also naturally Transforms the unique attractor fields surrounding you which magnetize into being, all of your life experiences. 

**Your thoughts do not actually create your Reality, as the limited world of "consciousness" informs you ... Your Soul Constellations do! There truly is NO "Expansion of Consciousness," Only freedom Beyond it. 

Soul Constellations create structures of magnetic attractor fields within and surrounding you that distort and magnetize the Reality you perceive. These embedded soul blocks limit what you have the ability to Perceive, Receive, Experience, and be Awake to. Yes, You do need this to be CLEARED in order to see, feel, and LIVE Your Essence Life, Your Love, Your Radiance, Your Unfathomable Possibilities in and beyond this Life! However, You must be financially able to invest in your Self to Receive at this depth, as this is my largest investment in You.

To Receive my Deeper Transformational Private Sessions and Private Immersions go Here!

Please Share  from Your Inspired Love ... this opportunity for Monthly unprecedented Healing and Transformation!

Whatever You Appreciate and Support with your Attention, Money, Devotion, and Love Grows...

What are You Growing?

Be the Inspired You that Makes the Difference.

If You wish to see more Miracle Healing Opportunities, Stand in Support HERE!

PAY IT FORWARD ... For another Beloved in need of Deep Healing and Transformation: (there is a long waitlist!)

Pay It Forward Support

Copyright miraclesmanifestnow