"Greetings Jyoti dearest, how are you?
Today we received a phone call from the girl you did a session for. (the one that was a surprise, secret Gift from me!)
For as long as I've known her, she has been constantly depressed, her voice could barely come out of her mouth... After the session she was considerably better, my mother noticed how her voice had become more confident and for the first time ever she was looking happier though nothing in particular was going on in her life to justify this change of attitude.
Well...! Look at her now: she teamed up w/ a cousin of her and put the little bit of inheritance money she had into buying sailing boats to rent for cruises around the Greek islands! Un-believable!! The most important thing is that she loves this new direction in her life, completely unexpected for her, for a girl who was enclosed within the four corners of her own melancholy this is a truly extra-ordinary turn of events!"
Dear Jyoti, Wow, tears are edging my eyes, I still feel the moment of standing on stage with you and working with you for those precious few moments. My life HAS been different from the moment you cleared my spirit of it's blockage. I am able to choose to see each moment for what it is right now and not add any history or future to it. I possess a confidence in myself which I.... am.... so alive with. I am communicating with a clear communication with Jesus love. My linear / ego mind does jump in with opinions which I acknowledge and continue speaking from my heart. These words can not fully describe how I feel to be in my body and my speaking authentically from love. blessings, gratitude and love Zara G
(**UPDATE 8/13 I have also met the LOVE OF MY LIFE, we are now together finally! My life has literally transformed before my eyes, in every way. I am so happy and grateful for your presence in my life!)
Dearest Jyoti, I have been doing your free videos since you put them on youtube. They have given me strength and courage to face all i have been given. From being homeless to my family cutting me off. I understand it is all for a reason, and the picture grows larger every day xx I face eviction tomorrow, yet do so from a place of calm, slightly scared of the unknown, excitement for the future. Thank You for all you have done for me. I love you. Thank You. Maureen
Dear Jyoti, You are So beautiful!!! Mahalo nui loa for all you have done to help all of us awaken and open our hearts.
Your spirit is so filled with happiness its infectious to hear your joyous laugh. I've felt the energy shifts quickly and now feel lighter and am fascinated to get involved and learn more.
Always feeling deep and endless love when hearing/reading from you! Love, Kathryn
Jyoti, You are the strength we need in our time of trouble , you do have the strength and the power , the healing is so good, I wish you the deepest blessing my friend , we all love you ..Namaste
Sweet shining Jyoti, Thank you for your beautiful light, in my 21 day audios, I feel that you are talking to me directly I feel your words resonating in my body, mind and especially in my heart! Love and light, Helle
Dear Jyoti, I just to tell you how grateful I am for this great opportunity that I had to enjoy this beautiful journey together.
That was the most exciting 21days of my life. Thanks a lot my dearest Jyoti, I love you so much and may all God blessings be with you and your loved ones.
Again no words can express my gratitude towards you.
I love you!!!
Hello Jyoti, I have been inspired and healed by your videos. I was let go by my former company in late November 2012. I'm wanting to work with you to open up to how life really works and align to my true life's potential. My heart has already opened up and I felt a sudden lifting and shift to lighter feeling. Its Great for me to be willing to 'be in the moment' and just go along with the experience.
Thank you!
You are amassing Jyoti! You have changed my life in a heartbeat, I am now back together with my wife and soulmate. I am eternally grateful. Love to you... Brian
Dear sweet Jyoti, Thank you so much for bringing forth this wonderful opportunity. Today,right now I fell a little more at peace, even tough there a challenges in my life. I feel sensations in my throat and at the top of my head, most concentrated in my throat, I feel old blocks resolving.. Love and blessings and thank you! :o) Angelica
I want to share with Jyoti... Thank you soooo much, lovely lady, You have brightened my Life and made me feel loveable again. I have no idea how watching a little video does this, but the results are lasting and have changed my life instantly. I am so happy to say this! Love, Anthony
Just by watching your free videos on YouTube, I can feel such a sense of opening inside of me. I feel inspired and uplifted and filled with possibility and potential. I thank You for this free gift to us all. You are One in a billion! Hugs, Shayna
Dear Jyoti,
how can I ever express what it means to me experiencing this wonderful journey with you.
I'm all overflowing with love here and now ( eyes & heart ) : D
Thank you so much.You're so generous and loving.
It's time for me to leave my shell behind and blossom fully. You reminded me of so many things...
The huge difference you're making with everything you say and do is deeply appreciated.
Loving greetings from Germany. Beatrix.
All the love and wisdom you generously shared with me during the last weeks is sinking into my very core right here and now.
You helped me to remember how to connect with my true self.
I thank you so much.
Yesterday was a very rough one.
And today something just - shifted...
Here's the story:
Some time ago I found a perfume which I liked, but all of a sudden I realized it smelled on me like my mother and I couldn't stand it anymore.
Today for some reason, I decided to wear it and some old clothes as well.
I was cleaning my apartment and cried like a baby the whole time.
The fact, that my mother never allowed me to love her is no longer a fact to me - it became a heartfelt truth.
All these years - I'm 40 years old writing this - I literally cut myself off from my feelings and gave others permission to cut me down to size ( even literally by surgery ).
Now it got to me what it really means, when you say that it's NOT about any technique - just pure LOVE and FORGIVING:
So again:
ICH LIEBE DICH. ( That's german for I love you. ) : D
Many blessings to you.
Here is just ONE of the REAL LIFE examples that happen EVERY DAY in Jyoti's Life:
**This one is PERSONAL, and I am sharing it with You because I want you to know that Miracles can happen in the most unlikely of events and circumstances...even between family members and in seemingly IMPOSSIBLE situations.
One spring day in 2009, we (me and my daughter Bella) were at a new park kicking a ball back and forth in an open gently sloping grassy field. We had not been to this park before and were so excited to be outside after the long winter's dreary deep freeze. I kicked the Ball to Bella and she ran after it as it rolled down a slight sloping hill ... at the bottom of the hill was an (unseen from the top) concrete block retaining wall that dropped 8 FEET straight down! (THANK GOD - there was grass below!) - She flipped off the edge and fell straight down 8 FEET onto the cold hard ground and and tried to catch herself with her right arm.
With my view from the top of the hill ... I was panic stricken from my Mother Human Self! I ran as fast as I could to her, my heart thumping wildly with the fear of what I was possibly going to see...
Fear was running my mind!
Did she break something?
How far was the fall?
Was she okay?
When I ran to the edge I jumped down next to her and scooped her up in my arms.
The trauma and force of the fall had knocked the wind out of her chest and she was struggling to breathe! The force had also visibly broken her arm and thrust her shoulder out of place. Her elbow was quickly swelling.
I knew instantly it was broken and I carried her screaming, wailing, traumatized, injured body to the car and drove her to the ER! When we arrived, the ER Doctors immediately took us into x-ray. The images revealed that the Radial Head of her right arm had a significant fracture that was deemed by the ER doctors at St. Lukes hospital in Chesterfield, Missouri as "urgent, surgery necessary!" It was a 3mm separation and fracture requiring pins and re-setting according to the Specialist Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor. The Specialist Doctor ordered a few more x-rays to determine how much time she needed to perform the operation...
When the doctor left the room for a moment, I simply remembered I could help her ... not by "trying" or "forcing" something to happen ... not by "applying a technique, method, or protocol." -
No ... it was through accessing ... with Love ... from LOVE ... as Love ... the CAUSE of this event ... allowing it to be witnessed, Shown to me ... Loved ... there was no forcing, no manipulating, no worry, no fear ... (where there is LOVE there is no fear) I simply held her in LOVE ... she instantly went from screaming in pain to instant silence as she passed out in my arms, and fell asleep.
A few minutes later, the Doctor returned and took us back to radiology for another round of x-rays. I carried Bella's limp sleeping body into the x-ray room and laid her on the table - holding her arm in the correct positions for the multiple x-rays they took. She woke up, and they took even more images. They were scurrying around as if something were really wrong! And asked us to go back into our private room.
A team of doctors and nurses came in a few minutes later and told us that something strange (a MIRACLE) had happened.. that her fracture was COMPLETELY HEALED! It was as if it never happened. There was no calcification, no cracks, no fractures, no broken bones - that had been there just moments before. (They even took x-rays of her opposite arm, just to make sure they were filming the correct arm!)
We went home without surgery, without a cast, and without any pain medicine of any kind. She did experience a bit of soft-tissue pain for a day or so after this traumatic event, yet it never required medication - (to this day Bella has NEVER taken ANY pain medication!) ...
Now, we all know that "working" with our own family members or people whom we love dearly and are so very close to can be difficult, if not impossible because of our emotional connection to them.
Even this CAN BE BYPASSED in this Body of "work" - this LOVE in Flow that manifests immediate, Permanent and Miraculous Transformations in the NOW - not in the future....not because of a tool or technique or modality. Simply through Love and Presence.
(and, someday, I will share another experience of when Bella broke her Left arm (a year earlier)- and how I handled it in a "following technique" sort of way - WHILE at a "consciousness technology/transformational training" SEMINAR - which had severe consequences for both Bella, and I! Causing months of problems and unnecessary challenges!)
BOTTOM LINE - using something other than Your Own ACCESS ... Your Inner Heart Guidance and Knowing (that allows the most expansive response to every situation) ... the techniques, tools, method, modalities, of even the most popular healing and transformational movements can be downright dangerous to your Transformation and Possibly life-diminishing, or even worse!
Beloved, NEVER allow yourself to question what YOU KNOW in YOUR HEART, especially when comparing it to something that you have "learned" or "mastered."
This is linear information, not Knowing.
Knowing always leads you in the correct direction, allowing and opening You to a natural state of Miracles, far beyond the confines of where your "learned techniques" can take You.
THIS is what makes this work so very unique and different!
This is where You become the Miracle Manifesting Genius that You Are ... Daily!
And after Your Soul Constellations are cleared (only available through Private Sessions with Jyoti) You will be able to access YOUR WAY of Living Miracles daily through Alignment with Your Infinite Spirit, and LIVE Your Meaningful Expansive Purpose in this world!

"Dearest Jyoti, Things are indeed changing for me! I am noticing that I am becoming the
true fighter that I always knew I was but somehow just couldn't access
before...it is now just not possible anymore to give up on myself...I
truly love and appreciate myself so much more and this is so wonderful,
such a blessing that words cannot describe it (i have tears in my
eyes!) Let me express my sincere gratitude to you, your works value is
IMMEASUREABLE! I find myself coming to your website almost every day,
soaking in the words and free videos that remind me that there are unlimited
possibilities for me! I am manifesting your Miracle Heart Activation for
myself and am also very inspired by the luck infusion, the clear
intuitive guidance infusion as well as the creative genius infusion
which I also am manifesting for myself...your presence...just how you
are has such a very big impact on me and you have helped me already so
Thanks so much for everything!
"Hi dear Jyoti ! I thought I would give you some feedback since our Private Session!
I met a wonderful soulmate who allows and encourages me to express my Heart!
I am acting in a way that demonstrates self-love!
I see and create beauty in my life!
I feel more confident in being myself and expressing my essence despite everything.
I have a return of hyperlucidity that allows me to see a deeper meaning to everything (just like when I was a child!)
I am aware of my next lessons and it gives a sense of purpose to my life.
I am coming in contact with people, books, resources that are enriching to my spiritual life! NOW I remembered, hey it's going to be time for my Custom Light INfusion... So I will order it soon!
I am so excited!
I hope that you are having a blast, too!
”Thanks again for my session today. I can say that today was really amazing. One of the things I've noticed is that I was feeling kinda brand new when I walked outside looking at trees, I was feeling like a new being experiencing it for the first time. Also after we finished talking, I had a feeling that my throat was more and more opening up inside, the same feeling was going down and also felt my stomach also opening up inside. Later on, I felt a similar feeling but on the top my stomach(belly) when I was laying on the bed, like something invisible was massaging me or something. And I was in a good mood today. Thanks again for today, can't say it enough. Many blessings to you,
(“I wanted to tell to keep you updated of the changes I have seen yesterday. I noticed that my confidence level went up, when I was stuttering, I didn't give up. I felt a sense of not giving up talking and didn't care what everyone would think. And since last night I've been feeling a tingling feeling between my eyes. And another thing, I've been waking up feeling energetic, which is very good. I know there is much more that changed in me.”)
Patrick, California
"In my “miracle” session with Jyoti, I felt energy spinning all around
me and in me, moving through me in a powerful, exciting, and utterly new
way. I started crying out: Ohh! Ohh! I was undulating and shaking. I
don’t know for how long.
Then, suddenly, it was over: from 8-9 level of intensity to ZERO.
I felt: wonderful! Light and free! Filled with joy and bliss: as if I
were truly BORN AGAIN! I started screaming: I’m back! I’m back! And
dancing around the room. We must have danced together joyously for
half an hour. And then I began *looking* at things again: seeing all
through new eyes. Every object was radiant and blessed. I was like a
small child, filled with wonder, awe, and delight. (I have a similar
but less blissful memory of taking Prozac for a short time, and realized
that I saw things differently: things went from blurry to clear, with
sharper outlines. This is also how I felt, but in a magnificent way: a
state of GRACE.)
When I got back home, I wrote about the period of time that had so
distressed me (5 years prior): it was the first time I was able to
express my thoughts and feelings in such a clear way regarding that
painful time in my past. And since then, I’ve been generally happier
and freer: a page has been turned in the book of my life, and all I can
say is: FINALLY! And of course: THANK YOU, JYOTI!
Jyoti just goes to some “code” at the quantum level and undoes certain
things (and she can say what she’s doing with calm clarity, as if she
were a mechanic looking at a car engine, or a scientist gazing at a
research report: she’s just analyzing data, and then reconfiguring
it.) Jyoti is so clear and objective. At every level her healing is
real and concrete. There is nothing vague and “fuzzy” about her healing
method. It’s AMAZING! Whenever the kids or I are even a bit sick I
just call her and: pop! it’s gone. The other day, as I was choking at a
restaurant, she told me I was having a memory about my dad, did a quick
hand movement, and poof! it disappeared. Now it’s always like that:
she looks, she sees, she fixes. Simple, easy, quick: and to the rest of
us mere mortals: nothing short of miraculous. But to her, it’s just a
day in the life: she’s the radiant SOURCE for her amazing River of
Miracles. Hallelujah!”
Ella B. Allen, Washington University Professor, St. Louis, MO, 63130
"Dear Jyoti,
I am so grateful that I listened to the nudge to connect with you!
After my initial email, I felt an immediate energy surge...so of course I should have known writing that second email was not necessary haha. Anyway, it took a bit to figure out what I was even feeling afterwards. I had opened up to the universe and surrendered what to let go of for my highest benefit. What I began to notice since the transmission was things I have grieved heavily over off and on though the past few years would surface. I noticed I would feel very emotional and teary for anywhere from 5-11 seconds... seriously. It was a short spurt of emotion I just couldn't and didn't need to hold on to . Two specific things I perceived to be Heavy losses and shifts in the past few years I have allowed to really hold me back. It was the over all grief and the feeling of shame for still feeling grief that was really holding me down.
So now I am letting it ALL go in huge spurts, effortlessly, and moving on so quickly from it. (Of course I know it is ok to feel and express emotion, but to be bogged down from it is not very beneficial.)
Thank you for helping me to express this and also in 'shifting into Liberty' is what I just heard... and feel you have helped me with. Thank you for the Gift you share with the world and helping others to share theirs."
Shell <3
"Aloha Jyoti, I've had a great week. I had more PR exposure the week leading up to your broadcast, than I've ever had. So it's hard to say exactly how your work impacted this. (although I do remember how when you did that Living Abundance Light INfusion for me how we were Miraculously able to keep our house, and generate new streams of ongoing, increasing income...hmmm so interesting the Gifts you have!)
Anyway, thank you. What I wished for in your broadcast was that those who are ready for my gifts find me. One of my interviews has now been downloaded 4400 + times.
I'm sure you added the juice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
"Dear Jyoti,
I want you to know how very much you mean to me and how you touch my heart. You are truly the REAL DEAL. The light that you shine warms the world, and I am so grateful to be one who has the ability to know you.
My life has changed so much that I can hardly recognize my past. Everything is different. Just three months ago I was feeling like giving up on life, that I had no purpose, and that I was destined to be alone forever, and feeling sad. I now have a partner who truly loves me, a passionate fulfilling and successful career, I actually can say for the first time ever that I have many really good friends, I am making a contribution to the world everyday. I now also have MONEY and comfort for the first time in my whole life! Words cannot describe the gratitude that fills my heart!
Thank You! I love you!"
Transformation and Healing
happens now!
Yes. It is True.
Your symptoms and experiences are merely effects...clues to an invisible reality where your creative power resides.
there is pain, illness, injury, emotional problems, depression, etc…
there is very simply a misalignment with your Spirit, (resulting in Soul Constellations) which are Soul level blockages and
resistances held within you, which manifest as your experience.
these blockages are corrected and released at the cause, you MAY
experience an immediate release of the symptom. Now, if you are a very
linear-left-brained processor of Life, your experience may happen at a
deeper level that slowly transforms in your experience.
Transformation and Change always happens when we transform the causative patterns of Light and INformation.
Your Spirit-Soul-Personality Matrix determines how you experience it.
I can show you.
Believe it or not, Immediate relief is possible in ALL physical, mental, emotional, psychic, psychological, spiritual, and soul level issues/problems/pain.
"My Dear Jyoti,
Thank you so much for including me in your special living miracles broadcast day!
I am now deeply enjoying a soft, embracing, lovingly feeling inside of me and I am enjoying my being and I am thankful for all the love and brightness and abundance now coming into my life! I am looking forward to it and I am enjoying the feeling of freedom, love and happiness even now! I enjoy the sun on my face and the new power that spring brings to me, I thank you so much for your being and your love and all your miracles!
Sending you love, love, love and endless love!"
"Dear Jyoti,
I’d like to let you know that since You sent me my Light Infusion download to heal my chronic migraines, neck and shoulder pain, I'm so light and happy! I'm completely pain free! Thank you again and again. It even helped my twin sister who had chronic stomach aches! Did you know I had a twin? How can this work for her even though she did not receive her own download? Amazing! I wish you love, happiness, fun, health and abundance, for you and your children. I'm so happy and thankful to know you." Yasmina
"I just watched Jyoti perform a Miracle.
It was for my brother who was in excruciating pain from a surgery he had is wisdom teeth cut out. He was unable to move and was pouring tears from his eyes - even with pain medicine and he was still bleeding a lot. He had two of his teeth imbedded in the bone and the surgeon had to dig them out of the bone. OUCH!
Jyoti literally helped him in minutes. He stopped bleeding, stopped crying, sat up and took all the packed gauze out of his mouth and went to play a video game, smiling, laughing, and eating and drinking normally. Even all the swelling just vanished (just moments before, he looked like a chipmunk with nut filled cheeks).
I am so grateful for you and your Miracles Jyoti! Thank You!"
I must say that a lot has changed in my life in the last three months: the problems at work are easier now, or even completely non-existent...and the way I look at them is also very different.
I feel better with myself, more confident, more relaxed, and I now have the desire to feel even better, and keep going on.
These were my biggest challenges and they are now great, so I have new challenges and I want the help that only you can give!
Jyoti, thank you for being here."
"Dear Jyoti, my friend - please share this!
So since last Friday till Thursday morning, my eight year old daughter Jaiden had severe stomach pain. I tried different herbs, homeopathics, rubbing, eliminating foods & nothing helped. So Thursday morning I asked my healer friend Jyoti Conradi what I should do.
I started to worry a bit because it had been so long, but my intuition felt it could be emotional?
So Jyoti worked on her all the way from St.Louis Missouri while we were here at our home in Hawaii and within minutes Jaiden's stomach started to feel better & is BETTER!
I told Jaiden that Jyoti helped her tummy & she asked me if she was born from fairies or Budda.
Jyoti saw that she was having a self disconnect & re-connected her w/her self (large than personality) Jyoti dissolved that ball of energy (of some kind) in her tummy! She still asks for tummy rubs (just because they feel good :))
We all know how it feels to have a sick child & now being able to make them better!
We are so blessed to have you in our lives Jyoti! You are amazing! and such a gift to us & the world! love, love, love!"
Danielle Hadjes, HI
"Dear Dear Jyoti, Even though I have not seen your face it seems that I would know you if I did. I am at loss for the words that would explain how I feel but I bet you know. I didn't want to be 'here' anymore. The only reason I didn't take my own life was because of my sons and even that getting smaller. The absolute hopelessness and despair was crushing. It was 'a mountain'. The relief was subtle at first. I realized I didn't want to die that day. Then I found myself smiling again. ... I feel the two of me blending together. I feel that the other part of me that is 'missing' will be back. I don't know how to explain it. More peace. More 'real'. And yes, I am starting to remember. My sons love and your gift is truly healing me. Thank you so much. Your words are encouraging and comforting. I AM blessed." Beth
Thank You!! Yes I got the IT.

"Dear Jyoti,
I have felt so much change now since our Session, that I truly believe You can as no one else help me in this miraculous transformation towards my soul purpose and towards opening of my full potential.
I am excited and open-heartedly awaiting to start the transformational heart activation program with you. But I know that you know when is the best time, so I am patient:-)
Actually I felt so much since that Sunday in my body and whole body-mind complex that I want to share with you. I felt extreme activation of my root chakra and third eye, that night of Sunday and Monday, I hardly could sleep, I was conscious in my sleep and the energy went out of my feet as two hot rods, the root chakra was bubbling for three days.
Right now I feel much at peace and this energy is relaxing and soothing. I felt all the work the energy has been doing to my body and mind.
On Monday and Tuesday I could also feel light pressure on the top of my head, strange very interesting pulling sensations in the root and lower abdomen.
I think what happened for the last three days in my entire body-mind- consciousness complex, no other saint or powerful people who I met in my life (I lived with monks, spent lots of time in India and met lots of saint like figures) none of them ever managed to do to me that much. Certainly they helped me to some degree and I am thankful.
I believe in power of consciousness as guru and only true reality. However, as we are all subjected to the 3d dimensional reality we need a boost.
I accidentally found you when my soul was calling for help, and I believe in you as the powerful instrument of a much more complex Universe and existence than we might imagine and wish to learn from you and fulfill my Consciousness purpose of being in this realm.
Those worldly problems at the moment are certainly mere in comparison with the purpose, but they too have to be addressed first in order to move freely with less obstacles and hurdle in the path to eternal spiritual transformation..:-)
Thank you for reading my long letters :-) - they are from the heart:-) and sometimes it keeps on pouring out... Thank you for your love. I feel you."
Thank you! I am doing great, after not doing good for so long. I have had a lot of bottled emotions come up and then fade away and I just feel like I am having more space. I have started to do things again that I haven't done in five years and it's enjoyable again. I am a lot more kinder to myself. I am sure more will continue to emerge.
Thank you again..."
“Jyoti, You are so incredibly kind! Thank you for your focused love and energy. I feel honored to have been a part of (and also receive) such a lovely gift of Your powerful Miracles!
Honestly, I have been feeling more well and energized this week than I have in months. I have been surprised at the amount of physical work I've been able to accomplish. I've been requiring less sleep and I don't wake up in pain. The pain overall has considerably decreased.
Thank you so very much for your contribution in my wellness. I have no other explanation for this new trend in my physical experience and I have every reason to believe in your gifted blessings.”
Julie, Kauai