Beyond this world direct access to the Energy, Vibration, and Reality Constructs of Miracles … Manifesting Now within Your Current Life Stream.

LIVE DISTANT EVENTS with Jyoti @ 11:11am MT!

December 1
December 6
December 8
December 13
December 15

Registration closes at 5:55 am MT each day.

You are welcome to sign up for ALL Miracle Activations!  - for Expanded, Exponential Unimaginable Benefits!

The Miracle Activation is an ever expanding Living body of Access granted by LOVE/Life, the Origin of ALL that IS… which attunes You to the Natural Miracles that are embedded and enfolded within this Now Moment…that YOU are here to experience!

Alive Within each of these Activations, You will receive Direct Opening to the Miracles that Your Specific Life is to unfold…

You will receive Your Sacred Point of Access to the Inner Bearer of Miracles … Your Miracle Self … The YOU that is beyond your mind’s comprehension, yet lives and breathes along with you every moment of your life - in this embodiment and beyond!

When Jyoti has offered this privately, people have experienced the most powerful access to their own power, changing their lives forever.
(If You wish to read more about the EXPERIENCE go Here!)
Now, in this Miracle Moment, Jyoti is making this available to you LIVE, at a fraction of the cost.

This Activation of Your Own Miraculous Birthright gives You exactly what is missing in Your Precious Life and … More than you can currently Imagine.

This is a Unique and Powerfully Creative Activation of Access to Your True Self that Lives beyond this form, yet is the Heart of Your Life and Potentials.

If You Know this is for You... Here is your opportunity to say YES NOW!
You can choose to Receive One or up to 5 Miracle Activations in this current Burst of 5 (Inspired by Spirit for You!)


Registration closes at 5:55 am, Mountain Time the day of the Event

Thursday December 1, 2016
Tuesday December 6, 2016
Thursday December 8, 2016
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Thursday  December 15, 2016

ACTIVATION TIME: 11:11AM Mountain Time USA

FEE: (only!) $444

This event is offered by Energy Broadcast that defies time and space … and is accessible through Telephone.

If you are unable to be on the call during the actual Activation, You (as a REGISTERED Participant) will BE FULLY INCLUDED in the ENTIRE ACTIVATION.

Your Activation is Instantly and automatically Delivered Directly to You, as a registered participant. Only those who register will receive it.

This Activation is Living Access in the Miracle Moment Now … which you have access to through your YES. It then Lives within You, negating the need for a future viewing or listening.

*No video or audio download will be available, it is received and embodied as it is broadcast to You directly.

Register here!

11:11 Miracle Activation Choose Dates Below