
You are Connected in Living Miracles Now!

You are a Member of the Expanding Potentials and Miracles of Living Miracles Now ...

From this moment forward, and as long as You choose, You are included in the Expanding, Evolving, and Growing Field of this Body of Expanding Love Impact ... Manifesting as Living Miracles.

You are now also included in our Silent and Powerful Weekly Wednesday Silent Broadcasts

at 5:55pm MST (lasting for 33 minutes)

As with all the work I offer... You need "do" nothing to experience the Permanent Transformational Power of these Living Miracles Broadcasts ...

However, I completely support You in taking time for your Self... to breathe and connect and nourish your whole Self by simply BEing.

During these Powerful Wednesday Broadcasts, You may experience many Blessings and links in your awareness to all that is opening in possibilities, potentials, and Miracles...

Naturally and continuously unfolding for You throughout the month together.

These Broadcasts also serve as a link in your chain of awareness as Your Life Transforms, allowing a safe space in which to retreat and reconnect your Mind in your Larger, Expanded Self.

I support you in drinking pure water, journaling/writing, or drawing three pages after the Wednesday Broadcasts... this may reveal insights to your mind, make new connections with your Purpose, or allow a conscious healing and Transformational connection to be made from within You

... So that You can KNOW that You are the Power of Love in Being...

... You Are the Miracle ...

I support You with all my Heart!

Love, Jyoti