Living Miracles Excerpt... to give you a taste of what is contained within this Living Miracles Book ... Yes, it goes beyond physics into BEing... smiling in-joy!

Are You expanding? Are you becoming larger and more free every day?

You and Your world is meant to constantly enlarge...expand... this is the Nature of LIFE and Your IN-Born Evolutionary Purpose unfolding from the center of your Being... This is Your SPirit calling You to expand beyond it’s previous limitations and karma of your Soul - into Your Fullness ... like the phoenix rising from the ashes of Your previous conditions, your previous beliefs, your previous limited experiences...

Every limitation you face... I mean every limitation you face... you are meant to Evolve Beyond - not cower or withdraw or feel victimized, beaten, alone, etc ... this is You UN-living your life ...Your life, un-lived - this is believing in external seeming limitations and fear instead of Who You Really Are!

No longer allow your self cower in defeat! You are the Brimming Glory of Your Very Precious Life - You are the Champion... You already have all the necessary support you will ever need! Let’s face it - You cannot count upon another person to save you, rescue you, or even support you in your emotional “need” - You Are this for Yourself, You have the innate capacity to BE your own greatest support (I can show you)  - and then the MAGIC is that you will never again “need” for anything outside of you - as when you ARE that for Your Self first, everyone in your life gets the “unspoken memo” and lines up in favor of You... in support of You -because YOU are in support of You first.

People will come to TRUST You because you are trust-worthy when you value and support your Self first. Then, you have the capacity to support others, from Overflowing JOY ... not obligation. As you Honor Your Self, others naturally Honor you. As you appreciate the Miraculous Being that YOU are and LOVE your Self UNconditionally - You experience that mirrored back to you in numerous relationships. It cannot BE any other way in this dualistic, polarity we are living within.

And if you have a body, you are living in polarity. And... YES... the polarities are shifting and becoming less (harshly) dualistic upon our magical ball of Life spiraling though the Universe that we call Earth - Home - Gaia - Mother ... and as long as you have the GIFT of Life here ... You are 100% ... yes 100 Percent responsible for allowing the Miracles that you seek, the preferences that you prefer, the life that you have imagined.

You are NOT at the mercy of anything external to You. Everything external to You is an Effect... the CAUSE is within You.

You are a huge morphic field generator that manifests AS Your Life, as your world, as the people whom you live and interact with. They will do what they do (effect) and they will show up in your life the ways that they do (effect) as You are the FULL (yet awakening consciously) generator of your experience. You, and the unseen blueprint constellations within your Soul are the Cause of every experience in your life.

No it is not self punishment....the life that you are living...the disconnection, the fear the seeming lack that you experience. It is just the unconscious patterns and constellations(stirring in their evolutionary spiraling path of transformation) in your SOUL that you were born with - that only Your Spirit and Your Love can transform and evolve.

This is what this time is about! The Poles within YOU are shifting, not the Earth’s poles! You shift your polarity every time you Transform and evolve the (cause) constellations and patterns of limitations in your very own Soul. You are meant to evolve! Now. You are meant to evolve beyond these old contracts, limitations, hesitations, restrictions, karmic ties - they can be forgiven, released permanently and completed NOW - without the need for living it all out in the illusion of time and lifetimes...! No therapy can help you here baby! Its built within You - not as a structure or method outside of you to control, identify, name, quantify, or “heal” the drama for you to be able to “live” with it all and “deal” with life. No - this is Radical Transformation, from within the center of your Own Being.

This is the NEW Life, the NEW possibility... the NEW Potential .. available to You now.

Don’t bother trying to get your mind to understand “how?” - we are talking about a space from far beyond where your mind can currently go. And, this space is creating what your mind has the ability to perceive and think... Although we can help the mind to understand it’s place in the new order of things...

This is why all the “self help” and “healing” techniques have failed you.

All these systems are predicated upon using your mind to follow something that someone else had “success” with, (even if it is beyond conscious, cosmic or “energy work”) and in so doing You unknowingly negate Your Own Living INtelligence within YOU that Knows the Way...that is constantly calling you to FREE Your Self and Evolve beyond your limitations... NOT through hard work, therapy, or linear processes, protocols, techniques, or even belief systems or “better” morphic fields... All these roads lead eventually to delusion or the illusion of “healing” while the cause of the wound still lives and you, and your life, become more crippled and small while your thoughts tell you that “I am healed!” 

What? Why? Because the Universe is manifest in Perfect Balance in Polarity. If you “do” a “technique” (effect) to “remove” a “negative state” or dis-ease in your life (effect) without upgrading and re-balancing your Self (Soul Blueprint Constellations) in Polarity, something else of that same frequency vibration WILL fill the void in your life - the space in Your Polarity cannot be filled with “higher energy or light” as many “healers” tell you ... those vibrations and frequency oscillations cannot not fit into the void that the previous limitation filled. And, the challenge that you faced will be faced again and again until you shift into a Higher Polarity Balance. Your void will be filled with another experience / effect (usually in another aspect of your life) of the exact same vibration of what you believed you “healed.”

This is the result of working effects, no matter how well-intentioned. In order to allow Transformation and Evolution - you must address the Cause. The Cause is ALWAYS in the Soul. Your Soul is the Blueprint Template of Manifestation and Limitation for every aspect of Your Life. It CAN be upgraded, in fact, it is meant to! Your Soul is the vehicle template of manifestation of EVERY experience, condition, belief system, etc... in your life. If you want to change anything in your life - you must address the cause of it in your Soul. Otherwise, it will be lifetimes of work, struggle, and you will never reach your Potential to Evolve and Transform All Life - Living Miracles every day, naturally.

Now ... Your current polarity is in harmony with the entire Universe right now, no matter how “bad” you may be feeling or experiencing your life. This is a Universe of Perfect Balance and Polarity. When Your polarity shifts, you shift naturally and immediately what is possible for others through shifting the Global and Universal Polarity. Yes. You are that powerful, and that important to all life.

As you Truly evolve and advance through Love, as Love... You automatically open to transforming and evolving your Soul’s constellations of Polarity limitations - Your entire life is balanced in a whole new paradigm of polarity... a much less harsh polarity, where you have a large degree of neutrality, where before your polarity had one tiny point of neutrality. The larger your space of neutrality, the larger you expand through Love and the more happy and at peace you live. You live from a higher octave of polarity.

How? you ask... Well, there is no “how” that the mind can follow. There are no “steps” to climb to be “worthy enough” there is no manual or formula to complete, there is nothing to “earn” or “acquire” or “reach” in order to access and Live from the Love that You are - which IS the most Powerful Technology we have! And, it is within You!

The Transformation happens as You are ready and willing to stop the search for more information and simply BE - right in the center of it all - then, Transformation and Polarity shift can occur right through you - Simply, Permanently, completely... transforming EVERY aspect of Your life - upgrading what you are capable of Living, Being, Doing, Experiencing, and Enjoying!

Your polarity Shifts! And...

You still have a form, a body, and life complete with relationships, family, etc... yet, you are living from a different polarity paradigm that is much less harsh in the dualities you have known previously. You are able to see and know and feel things from new levels and have a clear knowingness of Being. You can see the True intent behind the actions and behaviors of others...(invaluable!) You can see where everything is Sourced from. You experience a higher level of constant joy and happiness that is free from condition or reason. You find that you are inspiring and uplifting others simply by breathing. You see that You have such a very important purpose here upon this spiraling ball of life - and You Know Deep Compassion for others and how they live.

You no longer need to “shield” and “protect” yourself from the harshness of life, or the insanity or chaos of others ... you are ok with it all, just as it is... because You are ok with You and the Dynamic Miracle You are Living as Your Life. You know your Purpose and You simply live it without trying...

If you are still using your mind to guide your life, this is especially difficult to grasp, and only increasing in difficulty until you allow Your Heart - which has a much higher intelligence than your mind, to open, create, and guide your life beyond anything you can imagine. Yes... beyond anything you can imagine, beyond anything You are now capable of imagining. Your mind is a limited tool, meant to be the re-aligned as the Devoted Servant to your Heart...

The mind creates necessary structures for functionality in form. And the aligned mind will create expandable structures that evolve with the Directives of the Heart, and will also be willing to abandon outworn structures instantly without regret when the Heart spirals instantly into a new higher paradigm of Living. The mind will then align and say “Yes, I am here is service of all that you Love.”

All structure is ultimately meant to be evolved beyond entirely. This is the dichotomy of the mind and the struggle of the ego. After all, structure is the effect. First and Primary and everlasting eternally is the Cause. The Cause lives in You and through You as the Impulse to Expand Love and Life ... and to Transform anything that stands as limitation. This is what is meant by evolution.

We are the Creators of our Experience of Reality. We evolve through Love, as Love is here to expand what is possible now and forevermore. Love is the Answer to all.

And yes, in our current world, the male dominance in our culture (left brain logic dominant orientation) has led to the sacrifice of the Sacred Heart (right brain connection to the Source of All - Our Heart Intelligence that sees, understands and Knows without knowing the “how” first.)

Within our Sacred Heart Lives our Innate Knowingness with the most elegant Divine Evolutionary Design encoded within it to Transform and Evolve our Soul - without the need for struggle and suffering and lifetimes of karmic debt repayment adn soul limitations.

You can trust your Heart to naturally place you smack-dab in the middle of the areas of your life that are Open to Evolving. The Heart expands - this is it’s True Nature. When You look at the True Nature of ALL LIFE - it Expands. The whole universe and all creation is in a constant state of expansion - and yes, there are periods of natural rest and rejuvenation, yet the larger cycles are always in motion - no matter how you divide it, quantify it, limit, or segregate it with your mind - you cannot stop it. You are part of it - You are part of the Infinite Expansion of Life. and, All the parts of You that try to keep you safe and small must be sacrificed in devotion to the Sacred Heart that lives within You.

No worry, No fear. Let it go.

Yes, let ... it ... go ...

now is the perfect time!

feel how your breath is deepening now ...

feel how your mind is slowing ...

Feel how you are able to notice the light and space around you ...

the nuance ...

the context ...

it is not you ...

Are You in ... ?

Notice ... you are now aware of the subtle sounds and nuances of context around you ...

notice how your lungs feel more able to Breathe ... fully ...

... the letting go of your whole body through your exhale, like weight being dropped ...

breath being expanded ...


You are safe ...

You are free to let it all go ...

let it all go...


You can walk Your path, knowing you are aligned with the Love that You are - with Your Heart guiding You free... guiding you home...into this very moment - this very experience.

It is all so rich with context, nuance, subtlety, color, light, sound, smell, nectar of life all holding you within this elegant moment ...

 See how the whole Universe Loves You ...

Holds You ...

Yes ...

This is your life ...

You are not what you have thought.

You are not what you have the capacity to think.

You are infinite Love - You can only BE experienced ...

and You can only experience from your Self ...

see how your surroundings were made up ...

look around ...

Feel the infinite nature of Life surrounding you -

Allowing this virtual reality experience ... for your benefit ...

This is temporary.

All of this is temporary.

Everything you thought that you were is temporary.

All your thoughts are temporary.

Your body is temporary.

Your mind is temporary.

Your children are temporary.

Your mate is temporary.

Your Life is temporary.

Who are You ? then? now?

Do you see?

You are a dancing particle of Infinite Light made manifest in temporary form ... You are made manifest through the vehicle of LOVE ...

Love is Who You Are ...

If you are still afraid to Do what, and more importantly BE WHo You Are...
You must throw off the limitations, the lacking nagging voices that are here to keep you “safe” and take command of this ship through the vehicle that brought you into this manifest experience of form - Love.

Love is generated and connected to Infinity through your Heart...and let me tell You - it can MOVE MOUNTAINS and create, manifest, or release anything instantly! Love is the most powerful technology we have upon this planet and within this Universe!

This is what breathes You... Love

Love is Who You Are.

I am here in Devotion to You.

I see You.

**This is an copyrighted excerpt of our upcoming book “Living Miracles and the Beyond Physics of Being”
You may feel free to share this with all whom you feel will benefit - including copyright credit and a link to this page! Thank You ... Enjoy!

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Living Miracles and the Beyond-Physics of BEing 

New Material in the form of a Book by Jyoti!

Far beyond a "book" - this is a Living Access Portal of many levels, layers and depths of Light and INformation Frequencies that are exquisitely woven into the letters that make up patterns of words upon the pages of this book. They provide direct access to You, as you read, or focus upon the book itself.

This book has been created to contain frequencies that will change your life, open the flow of Miracles and Abundance, with possibilities and potentials in your world - beyond comprehension.

Living Miracles...are beyond the need for physics, explanation, understanding, or measurement. 

Living Miracles simply Are...
Accessed now.

Due to the Transformational nature of this book, it will reach you exactly where you are now, opening and supporting your blossoming into the next level of your Life. 

There is no preparation necessary to receive the access and support offered in these pages. It actually clears patterns, and unconscious constellations of limitations, and belief systems that restrict you, and limit what is possible for your Life. 

It does this silently, while you read, at a level beyond what your conscious mind can perceive. It offers access to powerful support and transformation that would otherwise take lifetimes of therapies, tools, methods, techniques, and really hard work. (just like all of Jyoti's work.) 

Here, you are offered simple, immediate access...

In order to receive the full benefit offered in this material, it must be valued by You...

If you receive this book as a gift, in order to receive the FULL BENEFIT, you can pass on a gift of equal value to another, or donate to the outreach and expansion of this body of work, or the expansive work of another you wish to support. The more you value, the more value you receive. This is encoded within this book in frequency, and is received by you as you align yourself with it. It is a living body of information that responds to you immediately.

Please be aware that the Power of this material is not only in the linear content. In this material, many things are happening far beyond the linear meaning of the words. You may re-read these pages for a lifetime, and they will create, open and allow expanding palpable impact in your life and world. In fact, you do not even need to "read" the book, simply focusing upon it, sleeping with it, placing it in a prominent space in your home or sanctuary offers you access. 

Of course, experiencing the linear content itself is also inspired and uplifting and can assist you in remembering Who You Are, and why you are on this planet, why you have ultimate life choice and power, and why you chose to experience physical reality through a body, and how you are actually an Infinite Spirit, having a temporary human experience...and so much more.

When you pre-order this material, you will also begin to experience the Power contained within it immediately. (just like in my sessions and Light INfusions.)

Pre-order: Living Miracles and the non-physics of Being Material here! $197 

When the final version is complete - You will receive an email notification and link to download it... Like a much awaited surprise! 

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