WELCOME to Our JULY Live Sessions!
Information, Resource and ENCODEDVIDEO Page
Precious Beloved One ... Welcome!!
I am so Happy and Grateful to be given this opportunity to Serve You in Your Most Sacred Precious Life!! I AM deeply Honored to Receive Your Sacred Trust in Serving Your Life's Sacred Evolution...
You are a Radiant Unique Beautiful Rare Precious Beloved Light and Love Being with a very Powerful and Needed Purpose in this Life. I SEE Who You Really Are beyond the surface Illusions of personality and all the constraints of the 3D perspective viewpoints ...
I can SEE and FEEL Your Radiant Essence ... Your True Self ... Your Eternal Self ... and this is where we meet and work directly with You ... allowing more and more of Who You Really Are to show up in Your everyday Life Experience!
This page serves as Your Info and Resource page for Our LIVE HEALING Session(s) in July 2021 ...
Our LIVE SESSION(s) Together are Opened, Activated and Delivered Silently at Our Appointed Time(s) and Day(s)...
If You sign up for two of three Live Sessions... You will Receive the exponential Benefits Compounded Exponentially and Directly into Your Whole Being each Sunday Session!
This Healing works in a unique and Powerful way ... allowing You to Receive it in the creative depths of your being, entirely bypassing the conscious mind and all of its filters, rules, limitations, and understandings. The conscious mind is largely programmed and informed by the unconscious ... which is unconscious to the mind itself. The mind simply lives through the filters created by the coloring of the Unconscious Soul Constellation Programs (which in this work - you rise to meet your Destiny of Clearing these Programs from Your Unconscious) and therefore liberate your Awakened Awareness. It happens naturally and unfolds in the most Perfect way for You and each individual that receives these Services.
You may notice many things immediately, or you may look back and see how dramatically your Life has changed ever since our Session took place! Usually the people around you will notice many things before you do... As we, after receiving this work tend to collapse into the Perspective of NOW ... as "the way it's always been" ... we seem to sometimes forget how things were before, and tend to take for granted the level and Expanse of Life we have Now .. (This is because the 3D personality is always seeking something more) ... and once you expand, you realize how much more you want to expand in new ways ... this is because you now have more knowing of what is possible for You!
How it works:
This work actually begins from the moment You register. This is natural and happens all the time ... so the earlier you register the more clearing and healing You will be receiving! **So if You have only registered for one Session, You can also register for additional Sessions now and intensify the Healing over the course of these 3 consecutive Sunday Healings!
Your Official Session Begins at 11:11am Mountain Time
on the Sunday Session(s) You have Registered for.
Your Official Session will last 1 Hour, although you may experience it much longer or shorter depending upon Your Soul's unfolding of Our Session. You may feel nothing or you may feel and hear and sense and smell and taste and perceive and imagine and ... many mysterious things ... You may have visions, You may not notice much ... You may feel tired and fall asleep ... You may feel energized and sparked into inspiration or creation ... however it unfolds ... it is PERFECT! Trust and Rest into the Love that You Are! You are held and protected within a Sacred Healing Temple Space. This Sacred space will stay with you in your field as long as required!
Reverence in the Now ... and Gratitude for everything is an advanced way of Living ... which You will also be given access to through this work - its a natural byproduct! The choice is Yours to Receive and deepen this experience!
Suggestions of What to do during Your Session (or/if when You Decide to Consciously Create a Sacred Healing Space to Download Your Full Session Experience at a Time where You are able to Luxuriate in Sacred Space for Your Self):
I Love creating Sacred Spaces of Celebration, Reverence, Honor, Love, Devotion, Magic, and Beauty ... If you are able I suggest that You create a beautiful experience for Our Healing Session Together!
Or You can just Be. Receive. No matter what is happening, or what you are doing ...
You will receive Your Healing beginning at 11:11am MT and it will continue to work with and through You in an active way from one to three hours of time...) If during this time you are unable to be immersed in the Presence of this Miracle Healing in a Conscious Way ... If You wish ...
If You are busy at 11:11 ... no worries! You can Receive it "on demand" - I have been inspired to offer the ability to You to Download Your Unique Conscious Miracle Helaing Experience in Placing Your Hands Palm up like a cup to receive .. and speak the words "I Now Receive the Full Measure of My July Miracle Healing" then notice what You notice as the Healing becomes fully Present in Your Body and Emotional Experience ... this is best achieved by creating Sacred Space for Your Self where You will not be disturbed. You can do this in the bath, in Nature, in Bed, in your car ... anywhere ...
If you choose to do this please let me know how you experience it!! Smiling with Love and giggles!
Please know that You cannot "mess up your healing" in any way ... You do not have to be doing anything special or thinking anything special at all ... You could be sleeping or working or doing anything during our Sacred Healing Session Time ... and You will receive the FULL MEASURE of Your Healing!! This Helaing is not and cannot be limited by the mind's perceptions. It happens at a level that bypasses the conscious mind entirely.
- Have a Glass (and bottle/Gallon of water with You) as when You have Water near You during our Session - I encode Your Water with Miracle Frequency Particles ... this allows for your every cell to be bathed in the physical and quantum frequencies of this highly supportive healing water! (this is a miracle in and of itself too!!) You can use this water however You are Inspired ... I recommend drinking it, as well as placing some in a fine mist spray bottle and misting Your Field whenever you would like a frequency shift upgrade (You can also add rose hydrosol or rose, lavender, jasmine, rose geranium essential oil for a lovely natural scent in your spritzer!) You can also add some of this water in a dropper bottle along with a little glycerine or alcohol to have on hand as emergency water drops. You can place one drop in a bottle of water, shake and drink! One drop creates Miracle Water!
- Have paper and something to write or create with next to You. I recommend writing at least 3 pages following your Session. I also recommend having this paper and pen beside your bed and writing a minimum of 3 pages each morning when you arise and before you get out of bed ... this is where many Destiny Insights will spill onto the paper and into your Awareness... You may find that sometimes at first when you begin writing it is just a brain drain or dream recall .. just keep pen to paper and commit to 3 pages ... this can make the most profound difference Your Life! It allows a direct Opening to Your Intuitive Self, as well as Your Destiny!!
I have been experiencing tech difficulties with email glitches and all kinds of things!!
(THANK GOD this Healing doesn't require 3D tech to work!!!)
IAM Here in Love, Service, and Devotion to Your Greatest Life!
I Love You!!
This Video is Here for You to Receive Instant Healing and Miracle Support ... It is encoded now to provide Support, Love, and Grace ... and I will additionally encode this video as well with the Frequencies specific to You once our Miracle Session{s} have been completed!
Copyright miraclesmanifestnow