Jyoti Miracle Blessing

The Next Level and Evolution of Miracles Manifesting Now!

(BEING LOVE here now!)

Just sit back, relax and in-joy...as You are enveloped in Jyoti's Miracle Blessing...

This Blessing has been known to change people's lives instantly and permanently - in ways that continue to expand, evolve and continue.

A month of Jyoti Miracle Blessings is a wonderful way to celebrate the Preciousness of Your Life and open and expand into Living more joy in your life, improving your relationships, sleeping and resting better, having more energy and vibrance, opening to greater levels of creativity and happiness (independent of circumstances), and releasing stress and the patterns caused by stress!

These Blessings subtly and powerfully Transform your entire Life experience in unpredictable, exponential, miraculous ways.

You will have the opportunity to specifically focus your Blessing upon any area of your life in addition to the Global Impact of your Personal Blessing.

You are meant to BE actively LIVING your Joy, happiness - unconditionally, independent of outer reflections or "circumstances." This naturally becomes your Life experience.

How do I Join?

Jyoti Miracle Blessing 11:11

Jyoti Miracle Blessings are offered every Wednesday night at 11:11pm MST. (from Jyoti's new mountain home!)

This Magical time is set aside for You, and you do not have to be conscious of it, or sitting up - you will receive the Blessing even if you are sound asleep, or out dancing! It does not matter, as this Blessing is delivered to You on levels of Being that your conscious mind cannot even grasp, so you do not need to think about it or do any thing special to receive it. You naturally receive it by simply signing up!

Each Blessing is offered to You at $222, and when You choose a Month of Jyoti Miracle Blessings (four Blessings) $888, you receive an additional fifth Blessing FREE! (FREE Friday Fifth Blessing!)

A consecutive series of four Blessings recommended for maximum benefit on multiple levels, expanding exponentially. (and you get a fifth Blessing FREE, held on the Friday at 11:11am MST following your fourth Miracle Blessing!)

Your Miracle Blessing is Silently Delivered through palpable Quantum Light Information, beyond form - no matter where you are on the planet. Physical "distance" only increases the power. If you "miss" the Blessing "time" - no worries - it is delivered to You anyway, no matter what you are "doing." The power is living in the Blessing itself, not in the "time" of the broadcast Blessing.

The additional Blessings allow you to go deeper...deeper... and deeper and align with the constantly changing Current state of Global/Earth/Universal Transformation, calibrating and aligning You with your Spirit, Purpose, Inner Knowing, Expansive, INfinite, Radiant Love, as the current and upcoming changes unfold.

This is the next level of on-going, powerful support - awakening, grounding, and supporting the Full Blossoming of Your Spirit through your Soul, and finally body into this level of "reality."

The time is NOW for YOU to BE fully YOU...and here present...now...is the necessary support for You to BE-Come it in this moment.

Let go and Know...

There is a LARGER PURPOSE for Your Life, beyond anything that your mind can conceive of...When you receive your Miracle Blessing, you LIVE in alignment... Your inner certainty...absolute Knowing-ness (independent of why's) naturally guides you in all ways - including your thoughts, feelings, choices, potentials, possibilities, actions...never again do you need to question what is right for You, or what is yours to be, have, and do. You are a radiantly unique and infinitely powerful Being, having an expanding experience of an evolving hue-man.

There are multiple millions who will be impacted by this Blessing, through YOU...and all you have to "do" is allow. You do not need an entourage to "make" powerful things happen. Just You. Being You, aligned... is plenty. Concentrated Power in Love, multiplied exponentially, expanding infinitely.

***In the event of power outages, internet outages, natural disasters, etc...Your Blessing will still be palpably delivered to you at MST 11:11pm...no matter what.

If you wish, You can receive Your Miracle Blessing by relaxing, welcoming a deep and cleansing breath...and just allowing the breath to consciously breathe you...being breathed by life, as an extension of expanding Life...you may lay down, or sit for 11 minutes to fully consciously (with your conscious mind) receive...We deliver this energy quickly, and you may feel it immediately or you may not. Either way, it is recommended that you keep a journal and allow (at least) three pages of writing to flow through you - free from thought, after you feel complete with Your Miracle Blessing. Many new (and maybe even seemingly unimportant thing may emerge, yet will prove to be something very powerful and life transformational.) This writing without thought makes new links in your neural-net that allows greater and greater Miracles to be seen, experienced, received, and Lived...as Your Life!


Join us In Allowing and Creating Your Miracle Life!

Jyoti Miracle Blessing 11:11

© 2012 Miracles Manifest Now, LLC. All rights reserved.