I Shower You with a Miracle ...

I am sending You Miraculous Blessings, Opening Your Field to receive the Perfect Miracle that you need most now ... this Miracle comes Directly from Your Spirit, Your Love Source Who is Infinite ... Your Miracle shows up in unpredictable and magical ways. It may reveal itself immediately, or it may unfold in increments, bursts, flows ... it may be like a life stream of new experiences ... In any case, You are Opened and expanded to Receive and Expand and Access Your Own Supernatural Support from this moment forward.

Each time You Give and Share with me,

I send You another Miracle.

Your Miracle Openings build and exponentially gather in Your Life ...

Opening even more Blessings, Supernatural Support, Healing ... 

The Miraculous itself unfolding

As Your Precious Life.

As it was originally intended to Be.

You are a Miracle.

I Love You.

I am devoted to You.
