Our Precious Beloveds Light Infusion Download!

This took me quite some time to find this Heart Rock and Record and Encode this Video for Our Precious Beloved Ones!!! 

You can play it on repeat if they Love the sound of the water!

Please have 2 glasses of water for each Beautiful Child!!

This video will completely encode each glass of water for each of Our Precious Girls ... Each will Receive their Own Specific Encoding!

(You too!! .. smiling ... )

Please stay in touch and let me know how things are Expanding into Miracles!!


Here ... in Love and Devotion to You! Jyoti

Beloved Dennis ... Our Sacred 12 ... 

This unfolds is through a Silent Living Heart Resonant CommUnion ... where when You sleep ... You are bathed in Frequencies of Your Divine Purpose and Destiny ... of Love and Miracles ... of Life opening the way for You from the inside Out ... Where we Unite in Purpose of Creating the Grounded Frequency of the New Earth embodied ... This is a Living Field ... Where the Miraculous becomes every day Life. 

This also bubbles up to the surface all that is out of resonance with this Beautiful Truth .. so many emotions may arise to be cleansed free ... So when emotions arise ... allow them ... breathe into and through them ... and re-member the Miracle Access of moving through them to the other side of Freedom! This is part of the Journey where we Purify and Set Right the True Purpose and Meaning of Life ... Miracles Unfold from here forward!!

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Our Sacred 12 Immersion

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