Welcome to the Miracle Temple

You are now held within the Sanctuary ofOur CandleLight Prayer Vigil 

 Welcome Beloved!!! IAM so Happy and Grateful to See You Here! 

You can Relax Now ... We are Now holding You in the Miracle Temple ... Expect Miracles!

While You are held within this Candlelight Prayer Vigil over the next 72 hours ... let yourself FEEL (fully ...all the way through) whatever emerges to feel in each moment. Be like a babbling stream ... be fully where you are in the mystery, the magic of life ...  This is a Sacred Space where you are supernaturally held and your life can open and unfold in Miraculous, unfathomable ways. When you notice yourself again thinking of your problems, or feeling bad ... go back to remembering that you have surrendered ... just for these 24 hours at a time ... You are free, Be Held in the Solution ... it WILL be revealed to Your human in perfect timing, or it will simply happen ... you will KNOW with crystal clarity if there is anything you need to "do" to move into what's next ... if you need more time in the Miracle Temple ... just purchase again.

Now ... THIS PART is UP TO YOU to SUPERCHARGE Your Results:

Let Go ... Hand over ALL of Your Worries, Troubles, Fears, Suffering, Pain, Confusion, Lack, Problems, Struggles, Stuck-ness, Illness, etc ... All of Your Human Thoughts, Human Efforts and Human Strategies to control, solve, manipulate, strategize, figure it out ... etc

The POWER of Your Supernatural MIRACLES are Supercharged by YOUR Decision to LET GO of your Human Strategies and Thoughts of how to "solve" your problems. LET GO and You Will Experience a MIRACLE!! When you catch yourself trying to find solutions or figure out the problem ... 

LOVE Yourself ... Forgive Yourself ... and begin again Now. Trust, Surrender and Let go. (I know how hard this can feel!)

Here, We are Held within the Larger Higher Frequencies of God's Miracles ... far beyond our human capacities! 

Here, You are held and supported in supernatural ways. Your Intent to surrender is met with Supernatural Instant Support! 

Allow full Surrender to the best of your ability in each moment ... LET GO ... NOTICE all the ways that You habitually attempt to problem-solve, brainstorm, feel small/powerless, focusing on the problems in an attempt to minimize the pain, control or figure out the solution.

Awareness is a Miracle Key! 

So ... Be Sure to Do Something FUN, take your mind entirely OFF of yourself, OFF of your problems ... Do something Good for You or someone else, seek ways you can help others ...  take a walk ... find something to witness in awe and wonder of ... BE the MIRACLE YOU ARE.

watch a funny movie ... spend time in nature ... write ... dream ... create something ... paint ... bake ... plant seeds ... drink LOTS of Water ...

While You are held within this Candlelight Prayer Vigil over the next 72 hours ... let yourself FEEL whatever emerges to feel in each moment. Be like a babbling stream ... be fully where you are in the mystery, the magic of life ...  This is a Sacred Space where you are supernaturally held and your life can open and unfold in miraculous, unfathomable ways. When you notice yourself again thinking of your problems, or feeling bad ... go back to remembering that you have surrendered ... just for these 24 hours at a time ... You are free, Be Held in the Solution ... it WILL be revealed to Your human in perfect timing, or it will simply happen ... you will KNOW with crystal clarity if there is anything you need to "do" to move into what's next ... if you need more "time" in the Miracle Temple ... You are welcome to purchase as many CandleLight Prayer Vigils as You are Inspired. You may also purchase this Service for those You are Inspired to Support!

Please Feel Free to Share Your Miracles Here:

jyoti@miraclesmanifestnow.com Attn: PRAYER VIGIL MIRACLES

Or on this form Below!

Beloved Share Your Heart within the Inner Love Chamber of Our Miracle Temple CandleLight Vigil


Copyright miraclesmanifestnow