Beloved Beautiful One! Welcome to Our 22 Day Perfect Weight Manifestation Immersion!
I am so happy and grateful to see You here! What a Perfect time to begin this program ...
Where You can FEEL how Perfect, Delicious, Unique, Radiant, and Beautiful You Are!
How this works and what to expect:
- I will be Opening our Perfect Weight Journey together at 5:55am MT on June 1.
- There is nothing you need to "do" in order to receive the Full Power of this Program. It works at a Quantum Level and naturally manifests in direct cellular change.
- I stay silently and palpably connected with You 24/7 until our 22 days are complete.
- You will have private email access to me for the duration of this program.
- You will be emailed access to Our Perfect Weight Manifestation Video Page, where you will be Able to experience videos that are encoded specifically for you each day - both morning and evening. You do not have to experience these videos, and it does not matter if you miss a day. You receive the same encoded access through your Energy Field every day automatically.
- This is a silent program, where I encourage you to follow your Wise Heart and Breathe ... Breathe Deeply ... as the deeper you breathe the more your body will feel good and expand the changes. I also encourage you to spend some quiet time in Nature, where you can simply receive and be. There is no effort required to change. Change happens naturally as we allow and let go ... into this very moment ... each moment that unfolds.
I also encourage you to write each morning to clear the way of the static and clutter of the old mind. How I suggest you do this is to write stream of consciousness, without thought, and without lifting your pen off the paper ... allowing your thoughts and monkey mind clutter to be drained upon the pages. I suggest you write 3 pages. See how this feels for you! It is certainly not required, and it does create space for what You WANT to fill your thinking.
If you find your mind causing you to feel limited in any way, I encourage you to be aware that the mind does not know what to do with change, and when it feels change coming, it does one of two things - it collapses as "Of course, yes" within the current changes as if they have "always" been this way, or it resists and causes fearful thoughts to emerge and block your expanding awareness.
This is where expansive questions become valuable. If your mind is busy ... ask it to seek something unknown, as the mind always falls back on what it "knows" and closes off any new contradictory information. Asking open ended searching questions will allow your mind to be led by your heart. Your Heart is always meant to be the Guide of the Mind. Sometimes the mind needs something to "do" in order to feel productive, valued, and important. Ask Your Self questions like "I wonder what I am unable to see or feel that is happening at the quantum level ... I wonder what Miracle is unfolding for me, just beyond my awareness ... I wonder how GOOD I can actually feel ... I am seeking the best most expansive vision for my life that I have never seen before... I wonder what Loving Spiritual Support is backing me now ... I wonder how important I am to all of life ... I wonder how I am expanding in ways that generate beauty and happiness ..." etc...
You can experience your Morning and Evening Focus Videos that are here to provide an added level of Clarity, Ease, Grace, and Flow for You.
I Am Here in Supernatural Support and Love ... with You!
Copyright miraclesmanifestnow