Welcome to Our Love Wall Creation

Join us in Inspiration, Collaboration, Vision, and Application!

IAm so happy and grateful to see You Here ... to me ... this means that You are Ready and Able to acknowledge Your Value, Worth and Your Unique, Valuable Contribution You make to All of Life ... through becoming Your Greatest Self ... As You Give (freely) to All of Life ... so shall You Receive ... (exponentially) As everything we Give from Our Hearts, we receive 10X! (at minimum) At Maximum ... You Feel fully ... completely deeply ...what You Give...

WithIn this project we are Creating a LOVE WALL that will hold many components ... A Nightly Candle Lit Prayer Vigil,  A Giving Tree of Gifts for Others (from our Hearts) - where You can GIVE and Receive ... As You Give ,,, so shall You Receive ... 

Honestly ... we are all cells in the body of Life ... so as we awaken to our ONE-ness we recognize that no matter what others feel deeply, express, and embody ... we are still ONE ... notice when our (seemingly-other) beloveds are feeling fear and acting from this space ... Love them . Love them anyway. Love completely. I Promise ... this is Your Liberation ... Your Freedom ... Your Beautiful Blissful You. Love All Choice ... without the need to "share" other perspective. Know that whatever our beloveds choose is PERFECT and CORRECT for them! and that what You choose is perfect for You!

On a Physical note ... we need physical labor, we have 300 feet to fence along the river trail ... and another 300 feet of front fencing ... I envision a modest fence with 6 foot posts every 4 feet, wire fencing base, and bamboo fencing for multiple areas such as: the candlelight prayer vigil. the giving/receiving tree, Book nook to give and receive positive /loving / transformational Books to help others realize how amazing and precious You Are / each of us Is,  and an art creation space ... plus ... so much more ...

Please Send your inspirations and support to: jyoti@miraclesmanifestnow.com (YOU MATTER!!! YOUR VISIONS AND INSPIRATIONS MATTER!!!)

PLEASE send your financial contributions to: paypal.me/lovejyoti


Copyright miraclesmanifestnow