Welcome Beloved Precious One!
I am so happy and grateful to see You here now! I have been inspired to Create this Magical Healing Field of Miraculous Possibilities for Us Together!!
This monthly Field is a Sacred Space where You come to ...
When You Know ... Your Life is Created to match Your Knowing.
**KNOWing is the most potent and natural form of Effortless Creation and Manifestation possible in the Universe**
When You Know Love ... You BE LOVE and Miracles become Your Life!
Here You will Be enveloped within Our Sacred Know Love Tribe of Frequency Specific Love Knowing ... You will Receive the Knowing: IAM Loved. Supported. Abundant. Grounded. Meaning-Fully Connected.
Together, United Here we Open Divine Possibilities in Y/Our Life Directly that are Only Possible through this Sacred Space.
Once You Join, You will be Included in a Special Monthly Encoded Video that will be a Source of Inner Knowing, Strength, Support, Abundance ... and Love. Love is the Ultimate. There is nothing more Grand in all of Life. Love effortlessly accomplishes Miracles beyond imagining! Love is the most Powerful Aligner and Server of Miracles, Healing, Abundance, Fulfillment, Come-Unity, Magic and so much more!
What You Receive:
You will be included in a Live Healing on the 1st of each month that will be specifically Encoded to Support You. You will have an optional space to speak-pipe Your Intentions for the month. You can also include Your Gratitude, Your Stories, Your Inspirations.
This Healing takes place on the 1st day of each month. If you join after, You will be enveloped and included in the Healing from the 1st day of the month You join!
Every time you are Inspired to reconnect with this Healing, You will receive new Encoded Knowing Love access throughout the entire month! (I will show you how once you are on the inside!)
Wilma: Make Kartra Buttons for Delivery:
One Month ala carte: $333
Subscribe Individual: $222
Subscribe Couple: $333
Subscribe Family: $444
Maybe a LIVE call the 1st of each month? Where they can call in? Free Conference call !!
Delivery Page? Where we can upload videos? audios? also a SpeakPipe and a form for them to leave feedback, and for them to share their miracles!
?? How do we restrict access to those who stop paying?
Delivery Email with instructions:
Welcome Beloved One! I am so happy and grateful to witness You as a Founding Member of Our Know Love Tribe! We are a Tribe, a Family who Gather Monthly to Expand Support, Communion, Connection, a Deep Abiding Feeling of Knowing ... You are Loved! You are Supported! You are Connected! You Matter! You are a Miracle!
We Ground this Knowing into Your Vessel and Witness as the Miracles unfold in Your Life!
Copyright miraclesmanifestnow