You Can Be FREE From Addiction

Silently and Powerfully

Open to the Miracles and Freedom Awaiting You


I know a great deal about addiction ... I was born into a family of addiction. My father was an alcoholic and gambling addict (with a few other addictions too!) Yes, it was a very difficult childhood... as all childhoods can be! My experience with addictive tendencies, full blown addicts, and addictive personalities is vast.

I have helped my father to heal from all of his addictions. He now sponsors people in AA as well as Gamblers Anonymous.

I am carefully creating a series of Encoded Videos specific for healing addictions of all kinds, and of all depths, when you sign up, you will receive one specifically encoded video per month, along with my silent, behind the scenes Miracle Support to enrich and support You. You can choose the level of my support below. Regardless of the specific addiction you face, these videos work with ALL ADDICTIONS, all addictive tendencies, and the root causes behind them. These Encoded Videos work at the very causal source of your addictions, the causes unravel and dissolve as you find yourself feeling lighter, with greater and greater access to freedom and new choices that expand you ... You will find that you are able to handle Life in surprising new ways, You will access inner wisdom, focus, strength, and inner power. You truly come to understand the Love that You are ... and the Preciousness that You are ... the Wonder and Beauty of You ... You simply will (gradually or instantly) no longer need or desire to act out your previous addictive behaviors. You find a new level of inner resources, as well as support in your external life supports miraculously showing up to hold you and support you in all that is new. This happens naturally, powerfully and with grace ... it is as simple and easy as breathing ... and there is nothing you need to "do" to "work" at it ... simply take time and space for Your Self and just BE ... all unfolds in perfection ... 

New Life.



I want to SEE FEEL and EXPERIENCE the Miracles You are here to manifest and the Freedom and Joy and Creativity that is Yours when you are free from your addictions! The whole world is awaiting you with open arms! We Love and Embrace You ... and Welcome You HOME to the Life you were meant for... in connection, in freedom, in creativity, in making the difference that only you can make in this world! 

Here in Love and Devotion to you,


Heal Addictions Now

Copyright miraclesmanifestnow