She is a LIGHT unto this world ... She cares deeply about YOU and ALL of Life ... She is a Beloved ONE Who continues to Serve the Light of Life and of the Authentic Beauty of Who Each Individual Person Truly IS ... She is a Magical Being who stands for ALL those who have suffered, who are suffering now, who have been forgotten, dismissed, who feel lost, isolated, alone, in struggle, feeling judged or misunderstood ... This Emerges from her Infinite Heart of LOVE for All LIFE!
She is immeasurably talented too! She was born as an Artist! a Compassionate Guide, a Loving Ally, a defender of the Good the True the Beautiful ... the Real, the Innocent ... the Magical ... the Pure ...
Her idea of a good day is making culinary delights (literally right now as Im writing this ... she is making homemade sprouted spelt sourdough cinnamon rolls, made from the starter culture she has been nursing and stewarding for the past 2 months) ...
Her Perfect day is wholesome, meaningful and deep conversation, poetry, creating art, having a tea party, playing in nature, writing, reading and or writing poetry, counting all the things she is grateful for, dreaming up new ways to: make the world a better place ... lovingly including and affirming those who have been silenced, championing human rights, drawing her multicultural/ multidimensional comic books ... savoring the moment ... listening to soothing music. She loves planning and creating magical aesthetic things like a picnic in nature, by the river, in a park, off a Magical trail ... her quilt is homemade, picnic basket is wooden, napkins are cotton cloth, plates are rose china ... complete with rose elderflower lemonade in china tea cups ... this is her idea aesthetic. She mostly shops at thrift stores and rarely if ever buys something NEW or WONDERFUL for herself. She thinks of others first.
She has sacrificed so much for the Love and Service of others ... and it is my deepest desire for her to feel showered in Love, Care, Support, and Affirmation of her unique quirky beautiful Essence ...
She is the most Magical Person who deserves to experience Kindness, Appreciation, Love, and JOY in her Life!
If You are Inspired to Expand LOVE to Bella ... Here is how and where You can Shower Her in Love:
In USA: Venmo@bellaanam
Paypal@ (friends/family gift)
Amazon Gift Cards:
Our Mailing Address: Bella Conradi, PO Box 1734, Durango, CO 81302
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