Before You Experience Your Multidimensional Destiny Activation Encoded Video ...

It may feel super supportive for You to gather:

A glass and bottle of water (this Water will be encoded with Your Specific Activation upon viewing of Your Video!) This Water will support you on many multidimensional levels! You will Feel and BE more aligned with Your Specific Destiny as you drink/experience this water ... please follow your intuition and inner guidance as to how to experience Your Encoded Water in whatever ways feel most joyful and expansive for You! You can place some of it in a spray bottle and mist your home/car/sacred space/work space/ etc... You can place a few drops in your bath, you can use it in your cooking... the possibilities are endless ... keep exploring and follow your inspiration!! (I would love to hear from You how your encoded water has transformed Your Life in the ways You personally choose to utilize it!! Please do let me know!!) Trust Your Self and Experiment Eternally as Inspired!!

Also... please feel free to gather:  

 Journal/ paper with creative writing utensils of your choice (be as creative as you are inspired ... or you can just be simple and clear for You!)

A candle and / or essential oils/ scents that You Love!


Copyright miraclesmanifestnow