SEVA ... is something I have done naturally since Birth. It is the best way to develop connection, and a deep sense of belonging ... knowing that your choices and actions and Life can make a profound difference in the world. You are here to Support and Help those who help others! And, also receive support, Grace, Love and Healing.

SEVA Burns, Dissolves, Releases, and Heals Your Karmic debts from this and prior incarnations... SEVA Heals Your Heart, Awakens Compassion, Grace, Authentic Living, Mindfulness, Opens Your Spirit, Opens Your Integration with all Life to Receive and Live Miracles ... 

Here, I am offering You the opportunity to Serve my Precious Life's Work, as well as my tiny Precious Amazing Family!

  • If you have financial ability ... I invite you to Pay it forward for someone who cannot afford to receive my in-depth support, yet REALLY NEEDS it... so I can continue to serve at this level ... and increase my Service, while also being supported! As well as Support and Fund New Outreach Programs to help many!
  • Direct Service in Action ... SEVA! Serve my Love and Life's Work, my Precious tiny Family, and my Life with Your Active Selfless Service ... as I am now in SO-CAL and way more accessible to many more people! 
We are open to filling the following positions: (either through direct selfless service, or financial provision for acquiring these necessary services) 

  • Two Loving, Nurturing, Awake, Present, and Playful Family Nanny one for weekdays and one for weekends! (who LOVES and Adores and Supports my Children, nurtures, supports, holds them as Family, and recognizes Who They Are!)
  • Loving Chef to prepare healthy divine nutrient dense deliciousness with LOVE and Happiness
  • Nourishing Grandmother to LOVE and Support us as a Grandma does!
  • Child-Loving, Awake ... Active Divine Masculine Dudes (ages 14 and up!) for my Elijah to PLAY, Skate, Surf, Cycle, Run, Wrestle, and Climb SAFELY with!
  • House Keeper/Manager who efficiently plans and manages and tidies our things, events, days, and home!
  • Personal Assistant (my Right Hand Goddess or God! who gets things done!)
  • Weekly Massage (YES Please!)
  • Nurturing Body Care Services: Rolfing, Chiropractic, Yoga, Acupuncture, Naturopathic Doctor Care, Wholistic Dentistry, and MORE
  • Handyman/woman to build and repair things! (I have sooo many inspirations and ideas!)
  • Website Innovation, Creation and Management (please help!)
  • Event Organizers ... Bring this Work of Miracles and Awakening Beyond Consciousness to LIFE for millions!
  • Agents for Miracles (promote my outreach, organize live events, bring us to your home, or travel to ours!)
  • Waldorf and/or Montessori Preschool or play group / coop in Encinitas area for Elijah
  • Child and Inner Child Play Group Coordinator for Adventure and Creation Days (I want to host FREEING THE CREATIVE SPIRIT Play Days: Tie Dye, Yoga and Play, Dancing, Juicing, Baking, Cookie Making, Pie Baking, Painting, Silk Dancing, Meditation and Self LOVE for Children, and Inner Children of all ages! And much more ... Just for FUN! etc... etc...)
  • Researcher/Organizer to PROVIDE the "Know How" to Accomplish the things I am inspired to bring into this world!
  • Writing Coach - Let's Get these Books OUT to help, heal, soothe, restore, replenish, AWAKEN, revive, Love and Expand the Miraculous together!
  • More ... Please share with me how You would LOVE to Serve me and us! 
  • Business Manager, Visionary and Grounded Planner! (Please!) 
  • Clothing Designer/Seamstress to bring my clothing designs to LIFE! 
  • Homeschooling Adventure Leader for my 14 Year Old AMAZING Bella - providing Support, Modeling Self Love, Nurturing, Inspiration, Energy, Enthusiasm, Passion, Creativity, and Your Special Amazingness to Light Up her world! (She is the most Amazing being ever! ... along with Elijah of course!! Seriously!!)
  • HOME of Our Own in Encinitas, West of the Pacific Coast Highway!
  • Financial Support for the many necessary times of Silent Being ... Visioning, Receiving ...
  • Visionary - who is committed to creating and maintain gin innovative Channels of Delivery, Access points to my impact, that seamlessly delivers Miracles, Awakening, Access to Infinite Divine Love and Devotion and Miracle Presence I am here to transmit and Embody for all who are ready to receive!

Please send emails Directly to Jyoti at with SEVA LOVE as Subject!

In Gratitude and Deep Appreciation for You!



Copyright miraclesmanifestnow