Precious Beloved ...
I Believe in You and Your Ability to CLAIM and MANIFEST all that is Necessary to Support Your Greatest Life Experience from Here forward! Post this Session, You NOW have a NEW Ability to Magnetize and Attract and Live in Harmonic Frequency with All the Support (financial, emotional, and miraculous) You Require for Your Next UPLEVEL in Life!
You can always reach out and ask for what You are wanting/ ready for ... and I will always do my best to Support You. Regardless of where you are or how you are experiencing this Truth.
From this Space of Knowing Who You Really Are ... IAM Inspired to Offer these Special Services to You!
NEW! Live Coaching:
If You Are Ready to Receive My Intimate Voice/Time COACHING Support in Navigating and Maximizing Your Miraculous Life Post Session - I have a New LIVE Coaching/ HEALING Service available for only 2 Beloveds! Our Coaching / Healing Session will be held Monthly and on a 3, 6, or 9 month subscription manual monthly Friend/Family Investment through Venmo or PayPal Please let me know asap, to ensure your spot! Once accepted, We will choose days and times that work perfectly!
Your Investment for this Life Transformational Coaching is only : $1111/month for 3. 6, or 9 months! This is a SUPER FAST TRACK as it allows me to address, collapse and release ... Live in Real Time what's going on at the SC Level, PLUS Receive One on One Live Coaching ... just You and I!
(This offer is only available to You! For others it is $2222)
24hour Soul Constellation Session discounted rate of $3333
(normally $5555)!
7, 14, or 21day Immersive Deep Dive You will receive a $2222-$5555 Credit / Discount! - Contact me directly @ ATTN: IMMERSION
(Yes, this is my Larger Investment Services. 7day $7777, 14 day $12,222, 28 day $22,222AND YOU ARE WORTH IT and MORE!)
You do not need to email me first to ask if You can receive any of these special offers ... I already have Your Soul/Spirit YES!
To Reserve Our Space Together:
Please send through Venmo (Friends 5683) or PayPal (Friends and Family)!
(All payments for this Journey together are to be sent as Friends / Friends and Family only! Please make note of this!!!)
Fully Here with You in Love and Devotion!!!
Copyright miraclesmanifestnow