Living Love Transmission 121.mp3
Living Love Transmission 121.mp3
Thank You for Sharing this Experience Together. I Love You!!!
I would Love to hear from You ... Please keep me posted and share with me how You received this Transmission ... and how Your Life is unfolding ... what You are noticing ... (Soooo often this work bypasses the mind and it collapses onto the NOW as if it has always been this way)
This Transmission was the first of it's kind ... (as I usually go out in Nature in Silence to deliver Transmissions and Healings and Sessions and Light Infusions, rarely with a recording.)
Something is happening deeply, beyond the currents of what the conscious mind can register now. Can You sense it? Feel it? Are new thoughts, feelings, experiences, opportunities, openings presenting yet? they will! I can't wait to witness them with You!
These Transmissions are very Powerful and WILL create change Your Life in ways that are non-ordinary and unpredictable!
Sending You a Big Hug,
Beloved One,
I look so forward to hearing from You! Please share with me How You Are!! I deeply care!!
How did You receive Our Transmission?
What were You Aware of during the Transmission?
Have You listened to the replay above?
What are You Aware of Now?
What are You feeling now ... that is somehow different??
What are You Noticing in your Self, and/or in your outer experience?
Do You see / witness / notice New Things emerging ...
New Experiences? New Opportunities? New Insights or Perspectives? New Access? New Feelings? New Thoughts? Inspirations?
I can see and feel it at play in your Life ... even now ... This Transmission will continue to work it's Magic Miracle through You at the Perfect Speed, in the Perfect Ways, and at the Appointed Time(s) from here forward.
And, IAM happy to continue to offer this Transmission, although each Transmission will be completely different and unique! As it will be addressing all of what is NEXT for You ... now that You have arrived here on the other side of the first one!
I will be offering another Transmission on Sunday, possibly in a more ongoing way.
I also have been inspired to Create a PORTAL experience that Assists You in a monthly way, it allows and facilitates the experience of Surrender of the ego ... dissolving the part of us that wants to control and may not even know how to let go ... and Be in Resonance with Your Magical True Self ... who lives far beyond what the mind has access to or thinks / believes is possible.
Truth is ... I Love You ... I See Your Magic ... IAM Honored to be given the opportunity to Serve You! Thank You for Trusting me with You Precious Self!
In Love and Devotion,
Copyright miraclesmanifestnow