Pain FREEDOM Session

One Million +Pain Free Humans 

Beloved One ... You CAN BE PAIN FREE ... Truly ... Today ... No matter how long, how chronic, how deep, how much you cannot even imagine being pain free, even if there are so many "reasons" You suffer in physical pain ... IAM here to support You through this very Special Pain Free Session ... where we Deep Dive into the Actual CAUSE Behind Your Pain ... Embedded within Your Soul!

**Pain is not actually held in the body even though we feel and experience it there ... Pain is always a wake up call to Become Awake and Heal something far deeper ... (this is the Gift of pain!!) There are numerous constellations of patterns that produce the experience of pain in the This is Your Wake Up Call! I am bringing back these Powerful Sessions for as long as I am supported in Serving You!

A Jyoti Creation of LOVE ... Assisting You to BE FREE of the Causes of pain in your life!  
***This session is specific for Physical Pain, Injuries, Accidents/Injuries - Chronic and/or Acute !***      
I heard your need...
I want you to know you are not alone!

IAM Here to Assist You. 

Today ... even NOW if You choose.

I designed this Service to be automatically sparked by your completed payment! So... as soon as you submit payment you will begin to receive Immediate Support and Relief ... and additionally upon purchase, You will be directed to a page hosting Your Encoded Video that provides additional healing and support just for You. (This video is encoded specifically for you. Please invite your friends and family to Claim their own Healing and Encoded Video, as Yours will rob them of their Session, as well as water down and negatively affect Your results!)

I was born with this Innate Knowing-ness and Natural Ability to Access, and Release the Behind-the-Scenes
Causes of pain, suffering, and dysfunction in people's lives. Not by choice ... by Destiny.

Since we are ALL here to LIVE Fully and FREELY our Gifts in this world, while making the world a better place, and living abundantly...I humbly offer this amazing Service in Support and Love for You! Below, you can choose your level of Support you desire to Receive.

I Believe in You!

~I want you to be FREE~

FREE to LIVE Your Life FREE from the Causes and Results of 
Physical Pain and Injuries!

Even though I am very busy, have a full load of commitments, I am offering O M P F H Private Sessions anyway! 

(Many have received this Session and have Gratefully Valued it's worth @ $1111 - $4444) really!! 

I have a DREAM...
Of YOU living Free of your causes of pain and suffering! 

I got the "possibility vision" of how our Global Future can look and feel with 
YOU living FREE from the causes of your pain! I See how LIVING FREE OF PAIN Opens You to Inspiration, Possibilities, Joy, Generosity, Play, Happiness, Present Moment Awareness and Gratitude ... 

And ... wow ... the impact You have, and could have on what is possible... 

You right now ... are honestly impacting millions of people you have never even met ... 
You are doing this by simply breathing.

You touch all life with the Frequency You Live from and Your Life results in the Fruit of your Frequency. 

Frequencies are like levels and bandwidths of energy potentials and access. When you are vibrating at the Frequency level of HAPPY and FEELING GOOD - Your Life manifests around you with the Fruits of Happiness and Expanding Goodness!

Just imagine what you can BE and Do and Accomplish when you are FEELING GOOD...

We all need You to FEEL GOOD, BE HAPPY and Live Freely~

When you are feeling good, you are more able to Re-In-Vision Your Whole Life, Follow Your Heart, and Make the Impact upon this World that ONLY YOU can! 

Can You even imagine ... what you might be able to CHOOSE to do with Your LIFE Liberated from pain? 
Can you see how happy and healthy you could be? 
How much more enjoyable everything could be? 
How much INSPIRED JOY you could be Living every day? 
How much FUN is awaiting You? FREEDOM!? 
How you could be impacting the world with your Expanded and Inspired self - FREED from pain!

Imagine what you could Share and Create and Manifest if you woke up each day with energy and feel-good ability ... 

Imagine what it feels like to be Sourced in Strength ...
Free of the pain and suffering you carried so long!

You can BE FREE NOW!

Since this work is immediately accessible and permanent in the Changes and Transformations you experience and receive ...  You Only GET BETTER from here! 

Precious Beloved One Your Life is meant for MUCH GREATER THINGS!
So Let's Liberate You ...  free from the Causes of Your Pain!



Choose Your Intensity Level of Support Here:

Pain FREEDOM Session

What People have to say abut their OMPFH Session: Sometimes even more than pain gets HEALED and TRANSFORMED!

"Dearest Jyoti.
I've been constantly viewing the encoded video you sent me after my humble donation to your 1 Million Pain Free Humans… I took note of what you said, that one may or may not feel changes, of any form, immediately, that changes may or may not come, sooner or later.  I did notice some changes in the beginning… and yet remained open to more :)

Two amazing things have happened since then.  And by all means, call it a miracle.

1.  My 20 year old "condition" seems to be correcting itself- miraculously.  It's been a week or a little more than a week that I began to notice these unexpected and positive changes.  I will keep an eye out for future and consistent progress but what I have seen so far, I wanted to share it with you. Thank you!!

Also, weather this is something you and I "agreed upon" and the levels that you work on, I feel positive changes happening also in my music career.  You should know:

2.  My world music project was accepted to participate in the XXVII Edition of a huge international cultural festival as one of the main acts, among 500 or so.  Artists "kill" to be in this… I trust that it will all flow beautifully and naturally.

Thank you eternally."

"Its amazing, my (previously bedridden) father of 78 years is out of bed, walking every morning like he used to twenty years ago! He is getting up at the crack of dawn, feeling inspired and writing. He is even reading by candle-light to my mother at night, remenicing with her of all the "good old days" and even crying tears of sadness and joy from his childhood memories - this is a man who never showed emotion and was very stern. I feel like I now have the father I have always dreamed of! Thank You for your Gift, Its amazing!" Elaine, NYC

"I am now able to walk up and down the stairs without pain. I am 62 and have had years of arthritis and painful surgeries. I love my new life!" 
Hilde, Austria

"My world has been changed completely! Even though I still experience some  levels of pain, it is nothing compared to how I used to live. I was in so much pain that I wanted to end my life. Now, I am able to enjoy my precious children and even help out in their schools and have play dates! Thank You Jyoti!" Beth, Canada

"My permanent back pain, caused by spinal stenosis is now gone! It is a mystery, as this condition is progressive and there is no cure. I have not been back to the doctor. I am leaving well-enough alone and enjoying the freedom from pain. I do wonder if the condition itself is gone, I will let you know if I ever return to my doctor to have it checked out." David Charles, IL

"My chest pain, that I had had for over three years is finally gone. Like a weight of relief taken from me! I am so very grateful, thank you Jyoti!" Samantha, Nova Scotia

"I had been suffering with a swollen knee that kept filling up with fluid that had to be drained. It is back to normal now. Thank you for your help!" 
Ivy, Chicago

"I had been sick, depressed, and suicidal for what feels like a lifetime. I was even given an autistic child on top of it all. I felt I could not go on anymore and I was ready to take my own life. I was truly a lost soul with no support, no friends, and no strength. It is a Miracle that I am living the life I now am today! I am surrounded in support, have a wonderful life and I am pain free on most levels. I know that God put me on this earth for a reason, and I am listening daily. My heart overflows with gratitude. Bless You Jyoti!" Sidney, Colorado

"My daughter had a really severe stomach ache that turned into excruciating pain. I did a Pain Free session with Jyoti for her and in minutes, it was GONE, with no return. It was like magic! Danielle, HI

**A few people have reported certain reduced levels of pain after one session, yet also report that they are now somehow mysteriously FUNCTIONAL, ACTIVE, and INSPIRED, and No longer suffer in depression and negative thinking, or live under the oppression they previously did! 

This Session Opens the Clear Way to 
NOW Live at a new level - even sometimes in embrace of Sensation, feeling and experiencing it as a GIFT!

You cannot lose! You can only GAIN more of Your Life and Freedom!

This Opportunity is for YOU if:

You are done suffering through life!

You are ready to say YES to Life again!

You are willing to INVEST in your Precious Self here and now!

You are open to discovering and LIVING the Glory and Fulfillment of Your Life's Purpose!

You are willing to LIVE PAIN FREE and Follow your INspiration, Joy instead!

You are seriously ready to BE FREE of the causes of your pain!

You are ready to Live and Love anyway, no matter what!

Invest in Your Self and Receive Your Pain Freedom Session 

This Session is Designed to Access and Release the Cause(s) Behind your experience of pain. 

You can also Choose Deeper Comprehensive Support in Immersive Sessions!

Step One:

You are WORTH Everything!!! Your Life value is immeasurable ... as You Claim Your Freedom by Investing in your Self - You GIVE FORWARD the Value this Session has for You. As a Direct Law of the Universe ... You simply cannot Receive Value from something that you do not Value. (The ACTUAL Value of this Session is priceless, and offered at multiple access levels to accomodate You where You are now!)

You choose your intensity level of support ... How much to pay? 
For BEST RESULTS it should feel like an Expansive stretch, yet free from burden. This is an expansive work, and in order to expand along with it, You must be at the correct vibration to receive it. (**I want to share a true story with You about WHY I cannot offer this Session to You without a True Investment in Your Self First. Many years ago, I moved into the remote mountains. I did this because I almost died from helping people whom I had more of an investment in them than they did in themselves. I learned that when I offer my support and commitment to a larger degree than your commitment to You, I end up getting sick and feeling weakened. I will not repeat this old sacrificial way of being in Service of Love ever again. Had I not realigned myself in True Self Love, I would not even be on this planet able to help You today!!)

If you are in a real life crisis situation where you literally have nothing to financially offer, You may offer your services, or gifts of your time, energy, inspiration or to spreading the word of this amazing opportunity for others. *For Service Value Options, please contact Us  @

Your Self Investment and support makes it possible for me to offer this - yet, no one will be turned away!

Step Two:
After you Invest in the Level of Value  you are Ready to Receive from this Session... You will be immediately directed to a page where Your Encoded Video Lives. (BOOKMARK THIS PAGE!!) This Video will Offer You immediate and INstant Support ... 

Step Three:

Have a glass of water with You as You re-experience your Video ... AS ... This Basic Video You received Immediately will be Encoded Specifically for You within 22 hours, so the Healing You Receive will continue to increase and intensify over 22 hours. After Your Video is Encoded with Specific Frequencies just for You ... You will experience and Receive a Whole New Level of Support when experiencing Your Video ... You may feel it as a breath of fresh air, an expansion of space around you or within you, a lightening, quickening, or tingling, or a cool breeze, or a warm hug... or you may not notice much ... yet ... no matter what you feel, there is so much happening behind the scenes in the causative patterns and constellations of causes behind your pain, which naturally changes your life experiences! ... Be in the mystery, Magic, and Joy together!

Remember that You are not alone...

There is HELP and SUPPORT for YOU!

No matter what your “condition” 

No matter how “bad” things seem ...

The causes behind your deepest physical pain 

CAN possibly be resolved permanently and completely in this 

ONE Powerful Life-Changing Session! 

I joyfully offer YOU this possibility...
It is yours to Value, Accept, and Live! 

I Am Standing in Love ... Support ... Awe ... of  YOU at the same level You are!

Love, Jyoti

**It is possible that You may require a Private Session with Jyoti, in order to address all constellations of causes of your painful experiences, and, maybe not. There have been many who have received the ability to Live their FULL lives again just after this one Session. 

This Session is an Opportunity for YOU to receive the matching Level of Love, Support, and Miracles that You can hold for Your Self.  I offer You this Gift and Opportunity from my Heart. 

I deeply appreciate, and Bless with multiplied prosperity your offering in support of You and me/my Family! And, I will not turn ANYONE away. 

**Please remember ... This Session is specific to Physical Pain only.


Copyright miraclesmanifestnow